Chapter 63

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    "Don't kill me, don't kill me! I don't know anything!" A filthy star thief hid in Sin Star's lowest kiln, and the naked prostitute sitting beside his bed screamed , the neck was cut with a knife, and the blood splashed on the star thief's body, which made his whole eyes freeze.

    I didn't expect to hide here, but I still can't escape this mysterious man who has been chasing and killing their star thief group.

    Ever since he knew that Major General Pei died inexplicably in the spaceship hijacked by the Star Thief Group, the whole empire thought it was their Star Thief Group's revenge. Those high-level star thieves are also...

    But the death of Major General Pei has nothing to do with their star thief group. After the death of the star thief Wang Ke Yan, the high-level seizing power has long abandoned that spaceship, and it is impossible to have the ability to get that level. Planetary explosion energy, and now the empire's public opinion overwhelmingly believes that their star thief group did it.

    Fools all know that there must be a conspiracy here. Some people want to make Major General Pei who is famous in the empire, but they want to make their star thief group as a scapegoat, carry such a big black cauldron, and then disappear one by one in fear of crime.

    Now it's his turn.

    The star thief's eyes were as big as an ox, and blood splattered all over his body.

    Idi Claude wiped it with a delicate white handkerchief in disgust, the blood sprayed by the star thief on his face, raised his arrogant eyebrows at the attendant behind him, and said: "Dispose of this thing, get out of this The illusion of the star thief fleeing to the Federation in fear of crime."

    "Yes." The attendant was very respectful, and then two more people came to dispose of the star thief's body.

    Information from the brain.

    [You have a communication waiting to be answered. 】

    Edie Claude walked out of the dirty street with disgust in his eyes. It was just the old and dirty street. When he stepped on it, his snow-white soles were soiled immediately, and the air was filled with the sour and rancid smell. It made him want to go back to the Claude family mansion immediately, clean it up from beginning to end, and then throw away all the clothes that were soiled today.

    The aborigines of the surrounding Sin Stars saw Edie Claude who covered their faces, and they looked at them with the arrogance and contempt of the nobles, and even the boots were whiter than the most plump and beautiful Beta prostitutes in the pot. The snow-white breasts must be a few degrees white, and I am afraid that they are the rich and noble children who have the background to come looking for excitement.

    The people around him should be his guards. This kind of nobleman is not easy to offend, and he can't afford to offend him. His coveted and greedy eyes glanced fiercely at the expensive jewel buttons on Idie Claude, and pretended to be. Passed by carelessly.

    Idi Claude didn't care about these inferior fools, glanced at the call on the communication, and saw that it was Charles Claude, the patriarch of the Claude family, that is, his father, and answered with a frown.

    "Hey, father, do you have any orders?"

    Charles Claude deliberately lowered his voice and looked around with some uneasiness in his eyes, looking like he was timid and unable to do anything. until he presides over the Claude family.

    "Edie, how did you do that?"

    Edie Claude didn't look down on his father's timid and incompetent appearance, and now Pei Zhaozhou, who threatened them the most, also died in that man-made accident , behind the scenes of their Claude family, there is also the second prince of Kyle and his mother family. As long as the second prince of Kyle finally takes that position, it is when their Claude rises, why should they be afraid.

Villain Alpha is Pregnant (BL) (COMPLETED) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora