Chapter 62

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    A haze hangs over the Empire.

    When Major General Pei sacrificed himself to fight against the star thieves who hijacked the spaceship, he unfortunately perished with the enemy. This is an announcement to the outside world.

    In the third month since the death of Major General Pei, the Empire officially announced the time and place of the memorial service, and people came to pay their respects spontaneously.

    the day of the funeral.

    Assistant Jin lowered his eyes and respectfully came to Si Huaixi's residence, these days he recognized how terrifying this man was.

    After the news of President Pei's death in the explosion of the hijacked spaceship, he had suspected that Si Huaixi, as President Pei's little lover, went to this operation together with President Pei, would he have been bribed long ago, and took the opportunity to President Pei started.

    Otherwise, how could there be a sudden accident, President Pei died, but he came back alive.

    But what he witnessed next hit him in the face.

    Even if he would betray President Pei, Si Huaixi would never be the one who betrayed President Pei.

    After Mr. Pei's death, to be precise after disappearing, Si Huaixi's face was calm, and he held several press conferences to say that he would continue to search for Mr. Pei and the survivors. His calm eyes seemed to be indifferent to Mr. Pei's accident. I was also angry that President Pei raised a white-eyed wolf.

    But later he found out that Si Huaixi was not a white-eyed wolf, but a real lunatic who was on the verge of collapse.

    "Mr. Si, President Pei's funeral will be held in the imperial lobby today, do you want to go?" Assistant Jin said with a low look, his eyes were slightly fearful, all because of Si Huaixi's actions these days, which made him unconsciously in awe .

    "He's not dead." The

    ashtray was overflowing with cigarette butts, and the thick and choking smoke seemed to have not opened the window for days and nights.

    Si Huaixi's voice was very deep, his eyes were blue and black, his slightly pale cheeks were getting thinner and sharper, and his sea blue eyes were like the dark sea surface when a storm was approaching, the depression was so heavy that even the air became oppressive.

    Assistant Jin lowered his head. No one survived the accident. The news of President Pei's death spread all over the empire. Many people mourned for him, but only Mr. Si firmly believed that President Pei did not die. It's been a month, and he still doesn't give up searching in the star field where President Pei disappeared.     "Yes, Mr. Si." Assistant Jin's eyes were tangled and hesitant. He would go to President Pei's funeral in a while, and even President Pei's former friend Mr. Zhou would go, and then he would leave Mr. Si here.     Assistant Jin sighed secretly and asked, "When are you going to start taking action?"     Si Huaixi lowered her gloomy eyes. , he doesn't seem to feel any pain at all.     "Tomorrow."     Assistant Jin's eyes were slightly stunned, and he couldn't help feeling that Mr. Si wanted the funeral to be held quietly on this day, and sounded the death knell for the demise of those people tomorrow.     Is Mr. Kesi really not going?     This answer has to ask Si Huaixi.     After Assistant Jin left, Si Huaixi froze his eyes and stayed in the lonely room for a long time. The air was filled with the strong and suffocating bitter nicotine smoke, which stung his eyes, the dead and empty sea blue eyes. His eyes seemed to be covered with water vapor.     The memorial service begins, in the largest auditorium in the Empire.     People from the periphery lined up to present bouquets one by one, and many people came from remote planets on purpose, wiping tears silently, mourning the civilian major general who once defended their countless homes.     Compared with the masses on the outside, the people in the inner circle were people of a higher class in the empire, wearing gorgeous and luxurious skirts and suits, and chatting with each other around an empty coffin.     It's not like a funeral, it's like a banquet.     The irony was so ironic that Assistant Jin couldn't help feeling great sadness for President Pei.     The person who delivered the speech at the memorial service was actually the second prince of Kyle.

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