More Things From The Quote Book

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- [ ] You've spent 5 minutes slamming a McDonald's chicken nugget into a sauce container

- [ ] Turn the car around I don't wanna do this no more

- [ ] Ah the smell of's fucking terrible

- [ ] #WeNeedSomeBrushFires

- [ ] If there's three things I hate on this god forsaken earth it's communism, coleslaw, and beaver dams...not always in that exact order might I add

- [ ] Don't smuggly eat a grape at me

- [ ] *in completely pitch black silent room at 1 AM* *leans over and whispers* "do you want a beef stick?"

- [] play hit me baby one more time and I'll hit your shins with the crowbar in the trunk of the car

- [ ] I might not be able to unscrew a water faucet but I can screw your mom

- [ ] Live grenades are a great motivational tool for training

- [ ] I'm bisexual and I agree with this message

- [ ] You point out a red stain on a serial killers hoodie... obviously it's ketchup that's just common sense

- [ ] You realize how many hours of work country folk put in to fighting those paddled tailed bastards and you just go and do that and help the enemy

- [ ] Look I'm not saying he's wrong but he's not right either

- [ ] It's a bit frosty outside and I don't mean the snowman

- [ ] I object your objection to him objecting the objection

Nameless Ghouls Preferences Part: 2Where stories live. Discover now