Chapter Sixty--Nine: Plans Anew

Start from the beginning


Chicago MedFollowing Morning

Once appraised of the request Goodwin had eyed the no nonsense Sergeant across from her with what could only be described as perplexion.   Putting patients and medical personnel in harms way seemed extreme even for one Hank Voight whom had a reputation for unorthodox methods.

"As I told you if you can give me access to one Waiting Room I can keep the threat contained ....,"
"But you can't give a guarantee Sergeant," the Administrator challenged.
"No I can't," Voight agreed, he wasn't going to lie.
"I'm assuming this is a last resort," Goodwin commented shrewdly, "but how do you know King won't bring explosives with him?"
"There's a possibility he will but we'll have enough personnel in place to stop any attempt to use them."
"I can't give you a Waiting Room," Goodwin decided thoughtfully, "it's ...,"
"I understand," Voight accepted the decision, he was not going to go for the hard sell as he had too much respect for the lady across from him.
"Let me finish. I can't give you an actual Waiting Room but I can give you a room that can be made to look like one."
"I'm listening."


By lunchtime the Unit had successfully transferred everything to their new temporary workplace.  To say the suite of offices were plush would have been an understatement.  The thick dark blue carpet underfoot throughout all the offices bespoke luxury unacquainted with normal Police working environments.  The freshly painted office walls were white and pale pink had been chosen for the wooden floored reception area, hallway and fully equiped kitchen. Adam eventually put voice to the question everyone bar Voight had been contemplating since they first arrived at the pristine premises.

"What is this place Sarge? It looks like it's never been used."
"That's because it hasn't.  It's going to leased out as a Medical or Dental practice down the line and Ruzek it's going to look just as it does now when we leave so no mishaps with soda or coffee or ...,"
"Hey Sarge I'm not the only one who spills stuff!"
"Wanna bet?" Antonio chided as he eyed their impressive surroundings.
"Well at least this way he can only mess up one office," Al suggested ruefully, apart from the Sergeant they would have to split up into pairs and he had already thrown his jacket in the one he had decided met his requirements, "Jay will share with me."
"I will?" this was the first the auburn haired man had heard about it.
"Sure,  you need someone quiet not like Ruzek bouncing off the walls."
"You may have a point," Jay conceded with a grin at Adams' put upon expression.
"Okay children," Voights' scolding tone immediately banished the teasing despite the quiet deliverance, "let's get down to business.  We're looking at Thursday next for the operation.   Goodwin said we can have access from tomorrow .....,"
"Can't believe she gave permission," Adam stated, although they had joked about her helping Jay there were a number of practical matters that could rightly have resulted in an outright refusal.
"The timing worked in our favour," Voight elaborated, "the space we're using is due for renovation shortly.
It's also located at the rear of the building so .....,"
"Sarge won't that arouse Kings' suspicions?" Kevin interjected with the question that sprang to everyones' mind.
"He's going to be suspicious no matter what we do," Al put in.
"We'll have to make it as convincing as possible," the Sergeant informed his audience, they all understood the risks involved so he refrained from listing same, "I'm meeting Crowley later to acquire some uniform assistance."
"Sarge ... ," Jay was not happy with this development.
"We'll talk after Halstead," the older man knew exactly why his youngest Detective looked cross but wanted to deal with him in private.
"Sarge are we going to have surveillance outside as well?" Kevin asked hoping to stop his friend arguing then and there.
"Hopefully we can cover the entrances and the parking lot?" Voight looked to the IT Specialist for confirmation.
"Should be doable.  I'll be monitoring the hospitals' security footage anyway."
"I didn't hear that.  You run into any problems let me know."
"Yes Sir."

Half an hour later Jay sat in the Unit Leaders' new domain as the gruff man set out what was needed to ensure the operation was a success.

"Sarge I know more than anyone how important it is to get King off the streets but when you went for the idea I assumed it would only be the Unit involved.  Bringing in Uniforms only increases the danger."
"You assumed wrong.  This needs to go down without a hitch.  We need to have enough personnel to make the scenario work.   Anything looking suspicious will keep King away."
"You really think we can get him?" Jay finally allowed his uncertainty to show.
"Yes," Voight replied without hesitation, like his subordinate he had doubts but airing same wouldn't help and besides he did believe the plan could work and they were definitely due a break in the months' long case!
"I'd be happier if we knew more about him.  He's like the damn wind!"
"He may seem untouchable but as soon as he's behind bars it'll be clear he's just a man, an evil one, but a man all the same.  He's had a run of good luck.   It's time to end it once and for all."

Al and Jays' Office

An hour later Jay sat at his new desk beside the shuttered window.  The reason his older friend had chosen the space as their domain immediately became clear upon entering.   The wall opposite the door not only was broken by a window but also by a door which led out onto an enclosed garden area comprising  of a small patio beyond which a strand of weeping willow trees
provided a yellow bedecked canopy which hid the skies above from view.  The door had immediately been opened when the former Rangers took up residence and with no possible outside threat, thanks to high stone walls, would probably remain open the majority of the time if the elements allowed.  Eyeing natures' bounty now as he rubbed his forehead trying to will away an impending headache he sighed.  Some things nature could not resolve.

"You need to go back to Voights and lie down for a while," Al declared evenly, it was clear his companion was unwell.
"You just concentrate on your work Old Man," Jay ordered ,without rancour, even if the prospect was mighty appealing.
"Why not?"
"I'm being distracted."
"By what?" the young Detective eyed their peaceful surroundings with a frown.
"My friend is in pain," Al elaborated innocently.
"Al!" Jay rolled his eyes.

Much to his consternation an hour later Jay found himself at the Sergeants' residence. Al had recruited the others to convince him to take a break and if only for a quiet life he had given in to the well intentioned pressure so with Antonio as his Sentinel he optrd for a quick sandwich to go with some strong painkillers and retreated to the bedroom that had become his.  Sweet blackness offering relief wasn't long claiming the pained man  ....

Jay wasn't sure what had awakened him but he was roused from his medically induced slumber with a start.  Lying still in the darkened room he attuned his senses to his surroundings seeking anything out of place.  Once satisfied he was alone  he slowly sat up on the hed, eyeing the closed door cautiously.  There was nothing  evident to cause concern yet his senses were on full alert.  He was glad  his headache had abated to a dull remnant of its' former self for his  gut was telling him whatever awaited him beyond the door would require all his strength ....


Authors'  Note

Not sure if weeping willow trees are common in Chicago but they're my favourite tree so we'll pretend they are 🤣.

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