How much hypocritical was it of her boss to say those things when they're the ones who are letting their artist being eat by all the media?

Even when both of them decided to deny it!

Since early the year, the rumors of both Kims with the name  of Jennie and Taehyung has been a trending new that left many sleeping with their eyes open.

Everyone wanted to know the truth behind Taennie. Everyone talked about it as a fact, even when the evidence was not that trustful.

The number of problems it was bringing for both idols was intense. And the worst was that none of their so loved companies were doing something to stop it.

They were just letting it be, because it benefited them above any kind of damage the situation could leave on Jennie or Taehyung.

Lisa felt infuriated.

Plus, now she has to fly to Paris for the fashion week... and also with him?

No matter from what point she tries to see the situation she doesn't think it can get better.

"I don't want to hear any more of this. Please, leave, Lisa. Now."

June, 22

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June, 22.

"Today is my day!" Jimin threw himself in one of Jungkook's comforts with his phone in hand.

"Your day of what?" Namjoon asked stacking a stack of papers, sheet music, sketches...

"My BTS story!" He laughed. "Today's Jimin's turn."

"Amazing..." He didn't really give importance.

"You know what?" Hoseok appeared from one of the corridors of the apartment. "I was judging Jungkook's decision of buying so many mattresses. Like- what, dude? But I actually think it's a smart idea, I can lay everywhere in every minute."

Jungkook smirked internally. Wasn't it what he said before? That was the purpose.

"Yes, for a single man, it's okay..." The leader agreed. "But not for someone taken, trust me, nobody wants their boyfriend's place being all messy."

"I am not messy," Jungkook fastly said, frowning and laying his back on the couch. "I have a lot of them but everything is clean, hyung!"

Jimin laughed at the way the younger easily get upset.

Min Yoongi was silent for a long time now. Just like almost all of them, he was laying on a couch, just wearing a hoodie and loose sweatpants. He was using his phone, so quiet and concentrated that it brought curiosity in Hoseok.

"Hey, you!" He threw a pillow in his face, causing the older to groan in frustration. "What are you looking at so seriously?"

Yoongi finally raised his eyes noticing the six guys paying attention to him now.

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