Book 1: 🌊Water🌊

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~The Siblings in the Iceberg~

Part 2

(The whole book is the third pov)

Meanwhile back at the boat, prince Zuko, General Luke, and Iroh looked out as they sail. " I'm going to bed now. Iroh yawns and stretches." Yep, a man needs his rest. Prince Zuko, you need some sleep. Even if you're right, and the Avatar is alive, you won't find him. Your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all tried and failed."

This angered Zuko " Because their honor didn't hinge on the Avatar's capture. Mine does. This coward's hundred years in hiding are over." Luke sighed and looks at the water as it reminds him of her.

" thinking about someone special?" Iroh said to luke " Yeah uncle Iroh.....someone really close...." "Well u will find them again one day....anyway good night"

"More like good morning" luke joked. Meanwhile, Percy was letting Aang sleep on her lap as she guides Appa and Katara to look at her.

"Hey," Katara said

" Hey. Whatcha thinkin' about?" Percy said

" I guess I was wondering, him being an Airbender and all, if he had any idea what happened to the Avatar?" She asked "Oh, no. We didn't know him. Well, we knew people that knew him, but we didn't. "

" Okay. Just curious. " She looked disappointed for a second before smiling again at Percy. " Good night.""Sleep tight."

Percy looked back at Aang and sighed as she remembered the crash. The storm was too powerful to fly in that they crash into the water. Percy swam to her drowning brother and their eyes glowed activating a powerful ice dome combination that made them frozen for who knows how long.

"Too soon," Percy said patting Aang's head. The next day, Aang is still asleep in the tent while Percy met with the tribe and wore something warmer. A young girl look at her strange white hair strand.

" Hello there," Percy said and the young girl runs off giggling. She sees Katara dragging Aang to meet with the village.

"Aang...Percy, this is the entire village." She points to the line of villagers in front of them "Entire village, Aang and Percy"

The Siblings both bowed at the village who is slightly afraid of Aang but calm down when Percy smiled.

" Uh, why are they all looking at me like that? Did Appa sneeze on me?"
Aang asked checking his clothing while an elderly woman steps forward to them.

"Well, no one has seen an Airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct until my granddaughter and grandson found you." She said shocking Aang and Percy

"Extinct?" Percy muttered

"Guys, this is my grandmother," Katara said "Call me Gran-Gran." She replied and Percy bowed to her. " Nice to meet you, gran gran." Gran gran noticed the white streak and wonder if she is her. Sokka walks toward Aang and abruptly snatches his staff out of his hands and starts to examine it.

"What is this, a weapon? You can't stab anything with this!" Sokka said annoyed and Percy bonked his head and took the staff back. " It's not for stabbing! It's for airbending." She opens his staff into a glider, surprising Sokka before giving it back to Aang.

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