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Kie jumped out of the SUV and JJ shook his head.

"This is stupid."

"Stop complaining." Kie said and she and Pope quickly jumped out. They were at Tanny Hill. Kie was going to go in there and tell Sarah about John B. While Vi and JJ were stuck in the car.

JJ quickly jumped seats and sat in the passengers seat. Vi smiled at him.

"Are you okay?"

"Does Pope even have a driving license?" JJ shook his head she looked at him wide eyed.


"What do you mean no? Jesus JJ, we almost died." JJ just started laughing.

"It was fun."

"None of this is fun. John B is a refugee, we are running from the cops, Sarah's locked in her house, we're gonna try and get John B off of the island tomorrow, the Sheriff's dead, Rafe fucking killed her, Pope almost killed us, we got shot at I can't even remember how many times now, Do you think any of this is fun? Do you? Nothing is." She had a lot more to say but she just felt his hand quickly move behind her neck and just kissed her. Violet didn't return the kiss.

She stood there completely shocked. She didn't even blink. And he slowly moved away from her. He felt bad now, she didn't feel the same way, she didn't kiss him back. Violet noticed the way his expression changed.

"JJ I'm sorry." She started.

"No. No." He said and coughed a little then turned away from her. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." She shook her head and all she wanted to say to him was that she wanted to, that he had nothing to be sorry for. And that she reacted that way only because she was shocked and she did not expect him to like her in that way.

"JJ I." She started but stopped herself quickly turning on the car. She put her seat belt on and Kie and Pope jumped in. Violet looked in her rear mirror and saw someone coming out of her house, she noticed that her car was moved from the street to inside, she grabbed JJ's hat who looked confused, he was going to start protesting, but he felt rejected and he just didn't wanted to speak to her right now. Violet watched as her dad walked to hi car which was in the street, he never parks it there, she could hear the sirens from where they were and she was scared. She turned the car around just as her dad got into his car.

"What are you doing." Violet didn't answer him. She slowly passed by her dad's car and what she saw broke her. And what she heard. She rolled her window down slightly.

"Autumn I don't know! I don't know! Fuck! I don't know what to do!" Axel Snow shouted to the phone. He was in a phone call with his ex. Violet's mom. Violet saw as her dad started punching the steering wheel and then a big shout came out of him, she quickly sped up, feeling the tears on her cheeks. She can't go home. Not yet. Everyone understood what they had just heard and saw so no one said anything. It was a good thing that it was a saturday night cause Kie's fast food restaurant wasn't working and they had somewhere to spend the night in.

Violet couldn't sleep she just stood on the porch the whole night, and when she finally started to feel tired the sun was already rising, and the police sirens were still going amd coming from every direction. She felt someone sit beside her and looked at the person. It was JJ. He sighed deeply and took off his hat.

"Hi." She said with a little smile. Feeling the heat in her cheeks. He smiled back shyly. She knew why he was there, he also knew that she did, but none of them said anything.

"So." They both started at the same time and looked at each other. Violet giggled and JJ's cheeks got bright red and a smile grew on his face.

"You go first." She said and he nodded.

"I'm sorry for." He started and looked down at his hands, playing with his hat. "For last night." Violet shook her head.

"I was just shocked." She said and he nodded.

"I'm really sorry, of course you were I just thought that." He started but stopped.

"I was shocked that you felt the same way about me as I do for you." She said and the hope came back in his eyes, and a smile once again. JJ chuckled which made her chuckle also. She bumped his shoulder with hers, and JJ laughed, sounding almost relieved.

"So does that mean that you?" He started but stopped himself, she waited for him to say what he had to say. He was going to say it, he just needed time. "That you like me?"

"Depends." He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.


"If you do?" JJ laughed and nodded his head.

"Mine also depends." Violet looked at him and smiled.

"I like you."   She said almost in a whisper and looked down. JJ didn't say anything just put a hand under her chin and lifted it gently looking into her eyes. He licked his lips and connected them with hers. What Violet felt was exactly what she had read about. And even though they were practically on the run and refugees, the moment felt magical. And it was everything she had ever expected it to be and even more.

𝐒𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓//𝒋𝒋 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌Where stories live. Discover now