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Violet closed the door of the van hard a lot harder than she had anticipated and  didn't even looked back at them. She was pissed. It felt wrong to put all the blame on JJ and it felt wrong that she didn't speak up for him when he was there but after he left. All of them attacked him, while he was the only one doing everything with them in the back of his mind.

She felt the anger overwhelm her and she decided to grab on of her father's surfs that hang on the wall and quickly changed into a bodysuit swimsuit, she quickly locked the board in place on her car's rooftop and drove off, going to the beach for the first time she was here, she couldn't help the smile forming on her face, she had never done this, but she was a great swimmer and the weather was amazing, and also the waves were beginners waves, she could do it. She can do anything she puts her mind to. Violet drove her car even further down the road, going to a fairly unused beach and parked her car. She jumped out, throwing her clothes off of herself and in the car. She unbuckled the surfboard with shaking hands and a smile on her face. She didn't even lock her car, she just jumped down with the surfboard in  hand, quickly tied it to her ankle and ran towards the water, as soon as her body hit the water the stress and the anger she felt throughout the day were quickly washed away by the waves. Violet got on her board and just sat there for a moment. She felt free and rejuvenated, she felt the slight breeze on her wet skin, bringing goosebumps all over her, the bright hot sun, burning on her wet flesh. Violet smiled and let out a laugh. She made it, she had made it home. She caught a wave or two and laid on her board and started paddling out away from the shore, she slowly rose to a sitting position and just stayed there for a while, letting go of everything bothering her. She had never felt more free and happier. Violet slowly made her way to the shore, catching few small waves and then laughing when she falls head first into the water. It was clear as day that she had never surfed but she was having the time of her life. Violet dropped her board on the sand and sat on it, taking a short break and once again in she went, without the board this time. She ran in the water quickly diving in, she dove right down, quickly scanning the sand for interesting things she could look at. She found a shell and grabbed it resurfacing back out, she watched as the little creature reached for her from the inside of his home, but was to scared to come out and face her. That was her. She was the creature in the shell, the shell was her mom, her comfort, her little box, and that was her reaching out trying to be seen and heard, but was just to scared to live outside of the little box. But she wasn't anymore.

"Bye buddy." Violet whispered and let the creature go. She swam for about an hour and when her body was completely exhausted, she slowly retreated back to the shore. She grabbed the board and made her way to the car, the sand from the board sticking on her wet flesh like paper on glue. She put the oversized tshirt over her body and quickly changed out of her swimsuit from underneath it, she hated how her hair felt when it was soaked with salt water and air dried, so she quickly put it in a bun and blasted on full volume Marc DeMarco while she fixed the board on the roof singing to herself and jamming out. When everything was ready, she looked in the distance and the sun was settling down with the most amazing sunset she had ever seen. Everything seemed to be going right for her in that moment, even though her and John B were beefing a few hours ago, but she spoke her mind and it shouldn't bother her, if someone wasn't having it and started to beef with her for her opinion. She fought because that was her point of view and she had finally found a voice to speak up and fight for her truth.

She quickly reversed back and started her drive back home.

About an hour later and a stop to the gas station she was pulling in her driveway. Her father's car already parked in it's spot. She cursed at herself while undoing the ropes on the board. She got it down and made her way to the door, she unlocked it and tried to pass unnoticed but it didn't work.

"Violet." Her dad said and she stopped in her tracks, trying to hide the board behind her little back.

"Hi dad." Axel looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Have you seen my board? Iit's not in my office where I left it." Violet gulped and shook her head saying a quick nope. "What's that behind your back then?" Violet giggled nervously and gave the board forwards.

"I didn't go deep dad, and was careful. I promise." Axel grabbed the board and looked at Violet, who looked happy.

"You should've told me you know? I could've come along." She hugged her dad tightly and Axel kissed her forehead.

"We'll go together next time, dad, okay?" She asked with hope in her voice which her dad noticed and he quickly smiled big at her.

"Anything for my little girl." Violet's phone vibrated in her pocket and she looked at it. It was Kie. "Do you have any plans for today? Or do you think about sneaking out in the middle of the night?" Violet looked at her dad with shock written all over her face. 

"Um you know about that?" Axel looked at her with a raised eyebrow and snorted back a laugh.

"You crashed against something while going down the stairs, and your steps are so heavy it sounded like an elephant was going down the stairs and your friends shouting at you to jump the fence quicker also gave you up." Violet stood there shocked for a few seconds.

"Thanks dad. Noted."

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