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The group found themselves next to a campfire. Everyone was shouting at each other, cause John B was back and they finally found out where he was and Kie was not happy about it. He saw with the blond girl Violet talked to earlier. Rafe's sister: Sarah.

There was clearly something wrong between Kie and her, cause Kie hated Sarah.

"So why are you meeting in the middle of nowhere on some hundred years old wood something, that could easily break at any point now?" Violet asked confused about everything that was happening right now.

"Because! Why does it even matter Vi?" Violet looked at him weirdly.

"It literally does. It's supposed to rain tonight and there's a lightning storm coming. Can't you like meet in town?" John B shook his head. But everyone else pointed at her, cause she had a valid point.

"This is a secret, Vi. We can't go around carrying old maps!" John B shouted clearly unamused.

"John B, they are old maps! No one cares!" Vi said back to him. He was getting impatient.

"Man whatever. We have to go, she'll be there soon." He said and started walking away, everyone sighed and stood up. The boys put out the fire and all of them made their way towards the van. They all jumped in the back with Kie sitting in the passanger's seat.

On the way towards wherever the fuck they were going, Vi felt her eyes become heavy, she laid on the ground next to JJ, she was quickly out. JJ looked at her and smiled, he couldn't help himself. He put his hand on her hair, gently petting her. Pope looked at the couple with a grin on his face, but didn't say anything.

When the car stopped JJ shook her out of her sleep and she quickly jumped up. JJ and Pope looked at her and started laughing. She wakes up like a mom, when you woke them up in the middle of the night, to tell them that you're throwing up.

"What's happening?" Vi asked and calmed down, undoing her heels. She felt like she was suffocating all of a sudden, she felt hot and her heels were wrapped so tight around her ankles that it was hurting.

"We're here." JJ said and opened the sliding door. John B looked at them and spoke up.

"I think I'm gonna do this one by myself." He said and all of them shared a look. JJ laid back in his seat and looked at him.


"I just don't want to spook Sarah with the peanut gallery." Violet looked at him weirdly. Kie was trying to hold back but she couldn't.

"I just don't understand why we are involving her!" John B sighed.

"We are not, involving her, okay? It's like a business meeting thing." All of the people in the back shared a look. Kie turned around to look at Vi, who just shook her head. "Once we get what we need, we cut her loose. And by the way! We need this map."

"Promise me, that nothing's happening between you two!" Kie demanded as John B promised. Everyone knew he was full of shit right now.

"That was pretty believable John B. Good job." Vi said excited that this conversation was coming to an end.

"Yeah man! Good job." JJ said as he took out his vape pen and started smoking. Violet gave her hand forward and he gave her the pen, but then pulled back. He looked at her with an expression that shouted 'are you sure'she nodded and grabbed the pen. She hit it and then gave it back.

"Alright. I'm gonna go do business guys." John B said and opened the door. And walked out.

"And you're gonna do it so well John B!" JJ shouted and Vi giggled grabbing the pen again.

"We'll be right here man! In the hot car while there's lightning." Pope said with sarcasm. Violet looked at Kie, who looked so fucking pissed, she didn't look like herself. Violet took another drag, she definitely needed it. JJ grabbed the pen.

"No more, okay." He demanded and she nodded, immediately feeling the effect on her brain. She smiled and laid back.

"So, like." She started and gulped. "What's the deal with Sarah?" The boys shared a look, they didn't knew either.

"Not the right time, Vi."

"Okay." Violet said and removed her crown from her head and put it on JJ. She started laughing, her laughing made him laugh. Violet grabbed her phone and snapped a picture of him. It was blurry or maybe it was just her vision. She showed it to him and he started laughing even harder.

"Violet? Are you fucking high?" They stopped laughing and looked at Kie and Pope, who looked disappointed. JJ and her shared a look and she tried to stay serious.

"No, sir, no!" She said and saluted Kie, then looked at JJ, when she saw his expression both if them died of laughter once again.

Kie just shook her head and looked down, she wanted to go home at this point. The night was definitely, not going how she wanted to.

"No seriously tell me why we hate Sarah, she seemed cool, when I talked to her earlier." Kie shook her head.

"Is Rafe nice? Sarah is even worse than him, believe me." Vi narrowed her eyebrows.

"Rafe's nice." She said and all of them looked at her, she felt their eyes on her and looked at all of them one after another. JJ looked pissed though.

"When was he nice? When he beat me the fuck up?" Pope asked and she shook her head no.

"He's nice when he wants to. He's nice with me!" Violet protested. JJ stopped her.

"Why the fuck are we talking about Rafe? And what does 'he's nice with me' means?" He said getting agitated. Kie rolled her eyes.

"We are talking about him cause he clearly likes her you dumbass! They went on a fucking date!" Kie shouted at JJ who looked shocked. She went on a date with Rafe. He looked at her, and her face has become red and was looking down to her feet.

"A date? You went on a date with Rafe?" Pope said and she just nodded. JJ stood up.

"Did anything happen on that date?" He asked and she looked up at him, opening her mouth to talk, but Kie started talking before her.

"They made out." She said and Vi looked at her with raised brows not believing her.

"Why would you fucking tell them, Kie! Just cause you're mad at Sarah doesn't mean you have to drag me through the fucking mud! What the fuck!" Violet said to Kie. Kie was going to say something but JJ shushed her.

"You made out with Rafe?"

"JJ, I."

"You did? Or you didn't? A simple fucking question Vi." He shouted at her and she looked away puzzled. Violet was going to answer him, but she heard a little 'help' through the storm that was happening outside. Violet ignored the guy's questions and stood up. All of them looked at her weirdly.

"Do you guys hear that?" She asked and all of them shared a look, not hearing anything. Another shout for help was heard, Violet immediately  felt the cold sweat.

"Help! Someone help!"

"I definitely heard that!" JJ said and all of them jumped out of the van and ran in the direction of the voice. It sounded like Sarah.

They neared the cries for help and ran quicker. The group stopped dead in their tracks, when they saw John B's body in Sarah's arms. Sarah was crying and John B wasn't moving. Violet completely froze, she started to have trouble breathing. Sarah was saying something but Violet couldn't hear her. Pope shook her and she just grabbed her phone and gave it to him. Violet was shaking violently. Pope ran off with her phone.

Topper has shoved John B from the tower.

Violet couldn't move. She was scared. Will John B make it? It was a pretty high tower, the fall was long. The scared girl felt a hand, grab hers. The hand intertwined their fingers together. Violet looked down and then up. It was JJ. He just pulled her close and hugged her. Pope came back and Kie ran towards him hugging him tight.

The ambulance came shortly after that and took John B to the hospital.

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