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Violet parked her car and jumped out. It was the movie night.

She saw Kie and the boys and made her way towards them. Kie smiled at her and Vi put her stuff down, plopping herself on the blanket.

"Hello guys!" She said excited. Kie pulled her in for a hug. Violet pulled out the snacks and threw a pack to everyone.

"I'm so excited. But I forgot to bring drinks."

"What are you excited for? It's literally an old movie and my couch is so much comfier that laying on the grass." Vi looked at JJ and chuckled.

"Stop complaining and eat your chips." He shrugged his shoulders and opened the bag of chips.

"Okay chief." He said and they all laughed.

"I'll go get us drinks anyone wants something?" They shook their head and Kie stood up.

"I'll come with you."

The girls walked to the booth.

"Where's John B?" Vi asked and Kiara shrugged.

"He's literally MIA. And it's not even picking up."

"Probably found a new lead." Vi said and Kie chuckled. They walked to the booth and Kie ordered them drinks. A hand gave money towards the guy, when he finished handing them the drinks. Kie and Violet looked at the hand and saw that it belonged to Rafe. Kie rolled her eyes and was just about the protest, but the man has already taken the money and was giving Rafe the change.

"Rafe. What are you doing?" Vi asked as Kie stood to the side, awkwardly.

"Trying to make it up to you." He said and she just rolled her eyes.

"Paying for my drinks won't do it Rafe." She said and grabbed Kie's hand walking away.

"Wait, Violet." Rafe said and gently put a hand on her arm, stopping her. She looked at his hand and then at him. Rafe dropped his hand and looked at her.

'Tell your boy that we know what he did." Rafe said and Violet and Kiara looked at him confused. Vi shook her head.

"What boy, Rafe."

"He'll know. Have a great night, Violet." He said and Kiara started dragging her away. Rafe stood there and watched as Kie dragged her away. Violet was looking at him, once in a while, while Kie dragged her, which made Rafe smile.

The two girls got back and took their places on the blanket.

"We just saw Rafe." Kie said and all of them looked at his direction. He was now joined by Topper and Kelce.

"He said and I quote "tell your boy that we know what he did." The boys looked at each other. They looked panicked.

"What are we going to do now?" Pope asked scared.

"We talked about it Pope! Just deny." Kie and Vi looked at each other.

"We have to stay together. We are stronger together. Like school of fish." Kie murmured 'like school of fish' under her breath and the girls looked at them once again puzzled.

"Guys. What did you two do?" Violet asked. They completely ignored her.

"And if that doesn't work we have this." JJ said and patted his bag.

"JJ don't tell me that you brought a gun here! There are kids!" Kie whisper shouted. Violet looked at her confused.

"A gun? Where do you have a gun from?"

"Jesus! I don't and I didn't, okay?"

"I'm so confused that it's physically hurting my brain." Vi said and laid down. The movie started shortly after that. Kie shushed the boys up and they started watching it.

𝐒𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓//𝒋𝒋 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌Where stories live. Discover now