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Violet woke up with a big groan, last night was too much. She was scared to turn on her phone and she hasn't been home in three days now. Her dad was probably pissed and was worried out of his mind. She slowly rose to her knees in the back of Kie's mom's suv and looked at the crew. She yawned and stretched her arms just as a police car with sirens on passed them. The radio was on she didn't pay it any mind.

"Good morning." JJ said and she gave him a little smile.

"Is it?" She asked and he shook his head.

"You woke up just in time. Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but" JJ stopped as Vi put her arms around his seat hugging it and laying her head close to his. He sighed. "Who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron or us? The accuser is a bigshot, developer kind of lord of the island, in second place of course, got the governor on speed dial kind of person and the accused is John B. Who is pretty much a homeless 16-year-old boy at the moment. John B nodded and said a small thanks.

"Well Vi's dad has the president on speed dial." Vi looked at Pope and shook his head. JJ did also.

"We can't bring Vi's dad into this. Sarah was there, she'll bail me out." John B said and Kie nodded.

"She did witness the whole thing."

"And she's gonna snitch on her brother?" JJ stood up on the seat and looked at John B, smoking his blunt.

"Not happening. We gotta have to get you off the island." Violet looked at them.

"The ferry?" She said and JJ nodded.

"Yep. Exit stage left, while you still can. Before the entire island's on lockdown." Police sirens were heard and Violet quickly got down in the back she felt a hand on hers and she squeezed it.

"Sarah's not a Pogue." JJ looked at Vi and winked at her, trying to make her feel better. It worked for at least a second till the next police car drive past them.

"You can't stay here man." JJ said and once again laid on the seat. Violet put her hand in his hair and started playing with it while they worked on the plan.

"You guys park the car. JJ will give me his hat, I'll put on Kie's mom's glasses and go buy a ticket. It's gonna be fine." Vi said mostly to herself and they nodded at her. She put her hair in a pony tail then JJ's hat, Kie gave her the sunglasses and JJ jumped in the back taking her place there.

"Be careful okay." She nodded and sighed deeply opening the car's door, she was on her way to the station, when a poster caught her attention. It said that the Ferry was closed and underneath it was a wanted poster. She slowly walked to it and grabbed the poster. Her palms instantly became sweaty and her heart dropped. John B was on the poster.

"Shit." She murmured and started to walk back. She opened the door to the car and just looked at all of them.

"Bad news guys. Ferry's closed and there's this." She said and gave the poster to JJ, who looked at it pissed.

"Well John B. This is a good framer of you." He said and showed it to John B, who just groaned and looked up.

"So the whole island's looking for John B right now?" Pope asked. Still high.

𝐒𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓//𝒋𝒋 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌Where stories live. Discover now