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"It's Peterkin's." John B said when he was finally ready to talk. Violet looked at him, what was the Sheriff's blood doing all over him? And why was she bleeding?

"What!" Kie shouted as she just stepped on the breaks, making everyone in the back of her dad's car stumble. Vi was okay though, she had her seatbelt on in the passenger's seat. She turned around and looked at John B. She had never met the Sheriff but was still concerned, there was a lot of blood.

"Is she okay?" Vi asked slowly and almost in a whisper. John B just looked down.

"I don't know." He said quietly. Vi nodded.

"Are you ready to tell us what happened, yet?" She said and John B just stayed in the same position, still not talking. "It's okay, we'll be here when you are." He nodded and took a deep breath looking up and then closing his eyes, he ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply, Violet could see him fighting back the tears.

"Rafe shot Peterkin." He said and Violet felt a cold rush of sweat coming down from her forehead. She just couldn't believe it. Violet felt as if everyone was looking at her, cause she was the only one in their friend group protecting him, the only one that still trusted in him, even after he chocked her in the middle of the road, she still felt as if he could still be fine, that he would understand the mistake he made and apologise and start to work on himself, to seek help. But clearly that wasn't the case. She sunk on her seat as everyone started to wonder what was going to happen from now on. The others started asking questions but Vi, couldn't focus. All she thought about was that she was standing up for a murderer, or someone who attempted murder. She shook out of her trance again, every thought that went through her mind was saying that she was somehow the reason for this.

"We have to go to the police." She whispered and just as she did, her phone started ringing, she looked at it and it was her dad. She ignored it and turned off her phone. The group was in shock but when everyone shook out of it, the questions came. "We have to go to the police." Vi said again, this time almost shouting through the chaos that was her friend's rambling.

"No way Vi! Are you crazy?" JJ spat at her and she just raised her eyebrows.

"Are you?" She spat back. "What do you mean no, dumbass! Someone literally shot the Sheriff in front of him, he is a witness, if he didn't do anything he has to go there and tell them what he saw!"

"What do you mean someone, Violet? It was your fucking boyfriend Rafe!" JJ shouted at her Violet groaned loudly.

"He is not my fucking boyfriend! Shut the fuck up! Do you think that, that's the most important thing right now JJ?" She looked at him, he could see how angry she was and how stressed out. He shook his head. "Thank you! We have to go to the police."

"There must be another way." Kie said and Violet shook her head.

"What's the other way? Hide from the cops? Become a refugee? Leave the country? Do we have the money for that? I don't!" Violet said and all of them looked at her, all but John B. Kiara looked at Violet and she was seeing a side no one has ever seen to her, maybe not even she herself has. "Do you?" Everyone shook their head.

"I'm not becoming a refugee, Vi. I didn't do anything." She nodded her head, even though deep down, she knew that whatever Wars had told them, the cops were going to believe him. Even if it didn't made sense even if they knew that it couldn't be possible. They were going to believe the millionaire, the money, not the sixteen year old boy that had no money and was basically homeless and an orphan.

"Somebody's gotta tell them what happened." Vi said and John B nodded finally understanding that for his situation it was best to go and tell them what happened.

Kie looked at John B who nodded. Kie sighed deeply and started the car. Bu the time they made it to the police station, it was dark. No one in the car was saying anything, the vibe was off. Violet was overthinking, JJ was overthinking, Kiara was too, John B was still in shock and overthinking while Pope, was high as a kite, smoking yet another blunt and choking in the back seat beside John B.  

"Easy there chief. Damn." JJ said and Pope started to calm down. Everyone looked at each other and no one said anything.

"All right. I'm just gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lion's den but you don't go there on purpose. It's fundamental, just like my old man always told me you should never ever trust cops, no matter what the circumstance is." JJ said and Kie quickly joined in.

"Your old man's an abusive liar." Kie said and Violet looked at her with raised eyebrows then down again to her feet.

"I agree with JJ." Pope spoke up, laying back on the seat. "Fuck the police." He said and Violet and JJ shared a look, JJ had an amused look on his face.

"You going to the dark side now?" Kiara asked and she and Vi shared a look.

"When's the last time the police ever helped us?"

"Peterkin, looked out for me." John B said and all of them kept quiet. "Tried to. At least." John B said and everyone looked down at their feet. The car door opened and John B walked out going in to the station.

"I don't think it's the best idea." JJ said.

"I don't know. I guess it's the only thing we could do." Kiara said as Pope once again lit the joint, Violet quickly turned around and grabbed it from his hands.

"What the fuck!" She pointed at him and put the blunt in between her lips, taking a drag.

"Enough!" She said at Pope who started protesting once again.

"Violet! Give me the fucking blunt back!" She shook her head, taking another drag and quickly put it out and threw it put of the window.

"It has started to smell like a weed shop in here. And by the way, you don't become higher when you smoke three one after the another, dumbass. Now stop smoking." She said and Pope just shrugged and made an angry face at her. Everything was quiet for about two more minutes at least. And all of a sudden shouting was heard from outside.

"Start the car! Kie! Start the car!" John B shouted from outside, Violet quickly turned around and watched as he got into the car.

"What?" Kie asked scared. Violet watched as two officers ran out of the station coming closer to the car with their guns raised. "What did you do!" Kiara asked and a few tears rolled down her eyes as she started the car. Violet saw as John B was holding the handle as two police officers were running along side them. In the car all that you could hear was shouting and it was becoming overwhelming.

Pope told John B to open the door and as he did a thud from outside came, the police officer falling to the ground. Kie was shouting that she was sorry as for Violet she was holding onto the dashboard, her knuckles white and was wondering how the fuck did she ended up in this situation. The gang was just looking at the road wide eyed and no one was saying anything. They just kept driving and not speaking to each other. Today had drained them. They were exhausted and were sick of the fighting.

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