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Vi opened her eyes and the face of JJ was in front of her eyes, she smiled but quickly shot up. They had all fallen asleep watching the movie. She looked around and saw all of them laid on the floor sleeping soundly, Violet saw her phone and quickly grabbed it.

7:03 am and under that 5 missed calls from dad. She froze. Violet made her way outside with her bag and unlocked her car going in. She dialed her father's number and he picked up immediately.

"Violet? Where the hell are you?" He asked sounding very unhappy.

"Dad I ah."

"Are you okay?" Violet gulped hard, she was sure that she had fucked up tremendously.

"Dad yes I'm fine. I was at John B's house with Kie and Pope and JJ and we all fell asleep after watching a movie I'm sorry I didn't come home yesterday, it will never happen again, please don't ground me." She spoke quietly.

"Jesus! Violet May Snow! You scared the living crap out of me! If it wasn't for Kiara's parents I would have put you up for a national search!" Sebastian said and Violet giggled. "Don't ever do that to me again! Just text me the next time. Are you coming home?"

Violet expected so much worser than what she got. She expected her dad to ground  her for the whole summer and take away her phone. That was something that her mom would've done.

"Am I grounded, dad? Please don't, I swear it won't happen again."

"Baby, I'm not going to ground you, okay? I was scared for you, please don't put me through that again, I just got you here with me and I thought I lost you." Vi felt a tear run down her eye.

"I'm here dad. I'm okay, I should've called, I'm sorry."

"When will you come home? I won't be at the hotel today, I have a free day."

"In a few hours. Is that okay?"

"Of course darling. Say hi to John B and the others for me, okay?"

"Okay, dad. Thank you. I love you." She said and her dad was heard sniffing from the other side of the phone.

"I love you too, very much." Vi smiled big to her phone like an idiot.

"Bye dad." She said and hung up the phone starting her car. She drove to town and walked to a fast food restaurant ordering a burger menu for everyone and getting back to her car, she drove back to John B's and walked in, the wind blowed a little harder and the front door slammed shut, she cussed herself but only one person woke up: Kie. The others slept like logs.

"Sorry for waking you up. Didn't meant to." She started apologising to which Kie giggled and said that it was okay.

"Slam it again, it's 11am, they have to get up anyway." Vi laughed as Kie woke the boys up, Vi put the burgers and the fries on a plate and put them on the table.

"Boys wake up! Burgers!" Kie shouted and all of them shot up.

"Did you say burgers?" JJ shouted and quickly ran to the table, he stoped for a second.

Vi looked at him, he was shaking a little.

"Stood up to fast?" The boy nodded and when he came back to his senses quickly jumped on the chair, grabbing the burger.

"We get to get two?" Pope said and Kie and Vi giggled.

"So are we going today?" John B asked and they nodded.

"I'm not coming, have to go home, spend some time with my dad. He says Hi." They shared a look.

"Your dad doesn't have a problem with you hanging out with us?" She looked at them with narrowed eyebrows.

"No? Why would he?"

"Cause you know, Pogues and Kooks. Figure 8, The cut." JJ said like ot made some sense.

"I'm sorry but those are just words to me."

"Did he seriously said Hi to every one of us individually?" Pope asked excited, they all looked at him weirdly. "What? Axel Snow is like the Jon Snow to my Ygritte." They all shared a look. And started laughing.

"What the fuck man?" John B asked through laughter.

"What? You all know he's like the MVP and plus he's like super hot." Kie nodded with an understanding look on her face. All of them did in fact.

"Gross. Can we like talk about something else, that isn't my father?" Vi asked and they nodded. Changing the subject.

"You know that we like talk about him on a daily basis, right?" Pope asked and she groaned.

"Are you friends with me, just because I'm his daughter?" She asked and chuckled, but made a face when they didn't say anything bad. "Jesus guys! Thanks! So nice of you."

"Well friends don't lie, right?" They all chuckled.

"Of course we are not friends with you for that." Kie said.

"But it definitely helps sometimes." Pope continued. JJ and John B were laughing pretty hard at this point at the look on Vi's face.

"Jesus and just as I thought that I finally had friends, you all turned out to be fakers."

"Well, your dad is the superman of this city okay?"

"Well he kinda looks like him too." Vi said and the laughs began again.

When they had their breakfast, they got ready for their search of the merchant. Vi helped them got their stuff in the boat. And when they were ready she stood to the side.

"Have fun and be careful, okay?" They all nodded.

"Okay, mom." JJ said and they laughed.

"Call me when you get back. And if like a storm is coming or something, just come back, you'll go another time." They nodded.

"See you later Vi." Pope shouted and they waved at her as JJ turned the engine on and off they went. She watched as they dissapeared i  the distance and then walked back to her car and started her way home.

𝐒𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓//𝒋𝒋 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌Where stories live. Discover now