"That's a lot of money." Kiara said as Vi finally took off the glasses and gave them back.

"Congratulations John B. You're famous."

"We gotta get to the HMS. No lights leave in the dark." Violet shook her head.

"It's at the Chateau, Kie."

"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out.  Let me think. Oh yes. Yes they do." JJ said Violet put a hand on her forehead and just sunk in her seat.

"JJ! Does your dad has that boat? The cigarette boat? The Phantom? The one he used to race?"


"You could get right up the coast, no problem."

Everyone started protesting, and they started fighting once again, Pope was like a little baby, always trying to get shit down in the exact same moment they come up with it. Kie was trying to tell him something while he just kept on talking his jibberish, Violet noticed that people have started to look to their car, just as she did, John B noticed that the description of the car was in the poster and Pope just decided to start randomly beeping the car's horn.

"It's that guy! He's right there." A voice came from outside Vi looked out and she saw a child pointing at them.

"Shit." She said panicked as John B tried to hide.

"We got a snitch John B! Pope turn the car on!" All of a sudden a random man started banging in the window shouting that he was right there. Pope was struggling to the turn on the car and was making everyone agitated. Kie was shouting at him while he was shouting at her. Vi grabbed hard the back of her seat and JJ just grabbed her hand, knowing that this helps with her nerves. Pope finally started the car and ran into the car in front of them. Violet squealed and put her hands on her ears  shaking. The guys were screaming Pope clearly had no idea how to drive. He kept on stepping on the gas pedal the car bumping into the one in front of it, he just kept on going, all of a sudden turned right quickly and took off. He literally couldn't keep a straight line. When Violet finally looked up, she wished that she hasn't. He was driving with almost 80km/h and all of her hairs stood up as she watched him drive towards a road sign and a mail box. Vi felt herself reaching for JJ.

"JJ." She shouted almost crying, she was scared of cars and was scared to death of situations like this. The car went through the mail box as JJ quickly grabbed her hand and let her squeeze it as hard as he wanted to.

"I'm not the one to tell you this, but you're not okay to drive dude! Stop!" JJ shouted at Pope as he saw how scared Violet was. And to his surprise Pope jumped on the brakes and stopped in the middle of the road with a halt. Violet let out a breath that she didn't knew she was holding and closed her eyes.

"John B get out." Pope said JJ nodded.

"We'll draw the cops away. You run. I'll get the rig and I'll meet you in the dump tomorrow, okay?" JJ shouted as John B opened the door and jumped out. "Three o'clock okay?" He asked again as John B ran off and JJ climbed into his seat. "Three o'clock tomorrow at the dump!" JJ shouted once again and quickly closed the door. Violet took a deep breath as Pope quickly took off, the tires screeching. JJ grabbed Vi's head and made her look at him.

"You are okay." He said and she nodded her head. "You okay?" He said while also nodding his head, she nodded again and he let go of her face, now his one arm was around her legs almost like guiding her. Pope kept o  driving with a blunt in between his fingers. JJ was now laughing next to her and Kie looked stressed but she wasn't saying anything. They drove a solid hour or two now, but Vi was scared every second of it. JJ was laughing as they talked about how Pope ran into the car and Pope turned to look at him and once again hit the curb and almost ran into a road sign.

"That's it. Pull the fuck over." Violet shouted and that's what Pope did. He and JJ were dying from laughter. "It's not funny JJ! He shouldn't be driving." Violet said and opened the door walking out.

"Mama's mad." He said and Vi just stopped walking and raised her arms.

"What are you." She started to say but just decided to ignore him and plopped her hands back down to her sides, and opened the door, Pope got out and she slapped the back of his neck.

"Ouch! Didn't deserve that." He said and Vi quickly got in and started the car, quickly driving away as Pope tried to get in. She stopped and he walked to the opened door, she started again and hit the brakes. "What the fuck! It's not funny man." Pope said as Violet kept on doing that down the road. JJ and Kie were dying from laughter. She giggled as Pope once again tried to get in but she once again hit the gas. This definitely got their minds off of the whole situation for a while.

"Get in Pope. Ain't got all day." She said and stopped the car for Pope to get in.

"So. Where to now?" Asked Pope who was angry by this point. Vi put the car in reverse and backed up quickly, then took a sharp left making the boys stumble in the back.

"And you driving was a better idea?" Pope asked and Kie nodded.

"Definitely yes."

"So where we going mama?" JJ asked and Violet gagged in the driver's seat.

"The last place they're gonna look."


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