Fortunately for Ainz, he didn't have to imitate Medusa's actions in the end to make his coffee, risking making an absolutely indigestible slurry instead of coffee. Instead, Ainz found Archer in the kitchen, an Archer that was not at all happy with Ainz's presence.

Although Servants doesn't strictly need to sleep, it doesn't mean they don't experience sleep problems if they were indeed try to sleep. At least that's what Ainz noticed when he saw the small circles under Archer's eyes and his scowl that is much more gloomy than usual. It seems that Servants still suffer when they're not sleeping enough. And Ainz was somehow the reason for Archer's lack of sleep. Probably, Medusa too...

In any case, Archer did not protest too much when Ainz was looking to make some coffee, instead giving Ainz an excellent quality coffee. After which, clearly hinting at his dissatisfaction, Archer quickly returned to the kitchen. And Ainz, who had first thought to spend the morning talking with Archer, rethought his idea, and decided not to annoy the sleep-deprived Servant in the morning.

As he walked out of the cafeteria though, Ainz noticed that there were some tables missing... Like the table on which, um... Ainz would have been morbidly embarrassed if it hadn't been for his suppression of emotions. A skill that he has liked more and more lately...

Plus, although it was not, strictly speaking, the most pleasant sensation, if Ainz could use his skills to suppress certain emotions and, ahem, sensations, to... last longer... Well he was not complaining.

Another suppression of emotions saved Ainz from embarrassing himself. Still, he forced himself to take a sip of coffee, feeling the bitter yet pleasant taste of the coffee spill over his tongue before sighing.

"I am definitely turning into Perroroncino... "Ainz sighed before letting an inappropriate joke in his head. "Well, at least I just killed people, and did not take hundreds of concubines."

The joke, which he had thought, if not funny, then at least suitable, turned out to be unexpectedly... dry, as soon as he spoke it out loud.

"That was a bad joke." Ainz sighed and shook his head. " That bad sense of humor... I'm definitely turning into Perroroncino."

Lately, Ainz felt that his life has been tumbling so fast that he didn't even have the time to determine whether he was looking up or down at the moment. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Worrying about girls and relationships, plans for the future, and the salvation of mankind. And lately, worst of all, whether he could trust his memories of the past...

"Too much has been happening lately," Ainz sighed once more and sipped his coffee before thinking for a second.

So now... What should he do now?

He had sex with Olga, and then with Medusa. And, apparently, both already know about each other... He was really glad that he dodged the bullet, when he talked about Olga with Medusa.

Ainz stopped walking when he felt his skill suppress the reflex urge to slap his own forehead at that stupid thought.

He had told Medusa about his relationship with Olga. And, apparently, it was the right option. Or, at least, the most correct out of the possible options. So in this case, after what happened with Medusa... perhaps he should also notify Olga about what happened?

Yes, that sounded logical.

Although, Ainz could only hope that he would not be stuck in this loop forever... But for now, he should visit Olga. Though, is it too early?

Ainz took a deep breath before taking a look at the time on the nearby clock on the wall. It was already nine o'clock.

Ainz would hardly have called nine o'clock, early. Especially from the perspective of a simple office worker of the twenty-second century like him. He had long become accustomed to the beginning of the work shift being at four in the morning. But Olga, most likely, should still be asleep.

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