S2.Chapter 8

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We go down to see Y/N taking cover along with RWBY and some lesser Daemons of Khorne. Y/N peeked and got back behind cover as a machine gun shooting lasers shot down the corridor

BL:"what's the plan my lord?"she Bloodletter said

Y/N peaked again but not too far to see a corridor to go around so he gestured RWBY to go around and as they did Ruby and Blake was the first to slaughter the Corpse worshippers then Y/N and his bloodletters moved forward to see more guardsman and they get mowed down by Y/N's bolter or the blades of the Bloodletters then I heard groaning to see Poxwalkers and nurglings. As the Daemon Prince saw this he nodded to them and they went hunting for more to plague or kill along with the Bloodletters

Y/N looked at RWBY

Y/N:"you guys focus on the ground forces here...I'm takin the tower"he said while slowly shifting

Ruby:"good luck Y/N!"

Yang:"don't get yourself killed babe~!"

Y/N:"I don't die easy..."

Y/N's POV—

I blasted off in the skies and looked down to see the mortals falling to my armies and becoming either sacrifices to the dark gods or enslaved. I looked over to the top of the tower and see humans in it so I flew as fast as I could and burst through the walls and began my assault by shooting flames all around from his mouth then swung his chainsword to cleave single one of them in two til he didn't see anymore of them alive

Y/N:"now all we need to do is kill the rest since the base is captured and its leaders are killed"

Ruby's POV—

I launched myself in a group of loyalist guardsman and spun around to cut them up in pieces then I point two fingers forward as a bunch of nurglings excitedly ran and latched themselves onto the others and chewed up their flesh and bones then I looked to my left and switched my scythe to gun mode and shot multiple headshots. I dashed with my semblance and cut down more and more while using the walls around me to give extra speed and power behind my swings then skid to a stop to see no more enemies to fight

Me and my team along with our guardsman and Daemons have cleaned up the rest of the city and now we'll need to inform our lords of our swift victory. Hopefully the next few sieges will be more entertaining,I walked out of a small house and looked around to see my beautiful girlfriend Weiss sitting on another makeshift throne then I walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder as she turned her head halfway to smile at me

Ruby:"so how's it like to be a full fledged magic caster?"

Weiss:"feels great,though I'm sure we'll need to keep this all a secret to our families"

Ruby:"me and Yang already told our father everything"

Weiss:she raised an eyebrow"and he...approves?"

Ruby:"he trusts Y/N will guide and protect us so in a way...yes"I said with a shrug

Weiss:"you're lucky cause I know for a fact my family wouldn't accept how I am now"

Ruby:"ohhhhh yeaaa...Ironwood would send a whole army at Y/N"

Weiss:"and die"

Ruby:"hehe...let's avoid that as much as possible,the only enemy is the False Emperor"


Blake suddenly dropped down in front of us and stood up slowly to look at me and Weiss then Yang walked over from a pathway

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