S2.Chapater 2

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Beacon Academy/RWBYs room—

We all see both Teams JNPR and RWBY hanging out and talking to each other then Weiss has decided to ask the big question

Weiss:"this might be a result to hanging out with you all but does anyone else want to see what Y/N's planet and the denizens of the Warp"

Everyone began sarcastically gasping or falling to the floor looking at the ice Queen

Ruby:she springs up and dramatically points at her girlfriend"who are you and what have you done to my girlfriend?!"

Weiss:she rolled her eyes then sat up on her bed"seriously let's go see"

Jaune:"you guys can go,I'm going to stay on non daemon infested lands"

Nora:"is our fearless leader chickening out?"she teased while making chicken noises

Everyone looked at Jaune as he adorned a look of "she got me fucked up...."


Pyyrah:she latched onto her lover and kissed his cheek"now then,Yang can you call him?"

Yang:"why do I have to do it?"

Everyone:"you're his girlfriend!"

Yang:"I know,I just wanted you all to say it"she said with a smirk as the others shook their heads or rolled their eyes. She pulled her scroll out then calls him

Y/N:"hello sun dragon~"

Yang:"hey babes~RWBY and JNPR want to see your planet"

Y/N:"hmm only if you can get your parents and headmasters permission, if you don't have all that then I can't have you all come here"

Yang:"alright babe we'll get that and I'll call you again to set up a warp portal"

Y/N:"alright bye babe"

Yang:"later baby~"she said hanging up

Y/N's POV in his Tower Castle—

When I was done talking to my woman I looked back at my generals smirking at me and I glared at them

Y/N:"shut up!all of you!"he said with a small bit of red dusting his cheeks

Small timeskip—

RWBY and JNPR came from the warp portal to be greeted by a horde of Daemons from all four Primordial Powers. A Keeper of Secrets walked forward to them and it's appearance either disgusted the teams or grew a shocked expression from them

//KOS=Keeper of Secret//

KOS:it giggled and posed a bit"yes I know you mortals like my body but you can compliment me later~we must go to the lords throne room~"

They nodded quickly,the Keeper of Secrets slowly escorted them to a massive set of doors and gestured them to go in. The doors slowly opened up by 2 bloodthirsters while the teams walked inside and saw 4 Daemons standing to the side as the 2 teams walked inside and Y/N is sat on his throne

Yang:"nice place you've got here babe~"

Y/N:"thank you,though right now I'd much rather be on the battlefield fighting"

Weiss:"fighting is all you think about in the back of your head huh?"she said crossing her arms

Valkia:"battle is where true worth is tested and show who is worthy walking alongside us!"she growled startled the teams

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