S3.Chapter 3

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3rd POV—

We go dow and see Drukhari and Daemons fighting each other

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We go dow and see Drukhari and Daemons fighting each other. Bloodshed and savagery is all that took upon the battlefield inside a Daemon fortress then a portal opened up in the middle as Y/N walked out with Cinder and Yang standing behind him

Y/N breathes in and out as his body began to slowly morph...he grew bigger in both height and muscle then his skin turned S/C and a tail grew out along with wings coming out of his back. The facial structure changed as well with his teeth becoming razor sharp teeth,claws and horns growing out. Everyone watched as the marine continued his transformation in either shock,fear or both until it was complete

Y/N:"You two take care of the ground forces with the others while me and Azazel take the skies"he received nods

They now stood in front of the Dark Gods newest champion and he was prepared to destroy and send these souls to damnation....he gave a Daemonic roar and shot out flames towards his enemies then ascended into the skies and supported the weaker spots of the base

Yang had red dusting her cheeks along with Cinder...

Yang:"was that really Y/N...or is this some dream...?"

Cinder:"it's no dream~that was our Daemon Prince at his apex level and will continue to grow stronger and stronger in time~"

Yang:"good now let's crush these elves!"

she said using her gauntlets to fly herself in the fray and punched a drukharis head off then shot at some more before delivering a low uppercut to the stomach to a drukhari and kicked him away. One was about to go for a sneak attack but a whip with spikes on it wrapped itself around said drukhari then was pulled over to Cinder and she used the heel of her high heels to stab into the head of the unfortunate soul

Cinder:"say hello to Slaanesh for me~"

She walked in the battle casually ripping and tearing her opponents apart with her whip and jumped in the air and spun around to dodge some beams from the enemy and spun in a circle before a whole shower of blood was shown


We go over to the rest of team RWBY and Ruby is spinning her scythe around and parrying strikes alongside Blake as Weiss used fire dust to ignite any foe she strikes in flames then switch over to lighting dust to dash around and go for the most vital areas of the dark eldar. We see a bunch of clones of Emerald go around and shoot down many enemies,one clone got cut down but he realized it was an illusion so another clone shot a hook and it stabbed into the stomach and pulled to her as she used the body as a meat shield while shooting more enemies

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