Chapter 12

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—Chaos Gods worship building in Y/N's POV—

I stood stood in front of Gods altars then kneeled down to them

Khorne:"have you come to a decision our champion?"

Y/N:"yes...I accept your offer to become a Daemon Prince and everything else that comes with it"

Slaanesh:"come and receive true power our champion~"

I stood back up to my feet then walked into the middle of the room then the Gods pointed their hands to me and shot their energy at me as I felt their power coursing through my veins and feel my body morphing slowly

3rd POV—

We change the view to outside of the building and hear a really loud Daemonic roar

—Scene change to Xiao/Rose residence—

We see Summer,Yang,Ruby and Tai sitting at the dinner table eating together while 3 sets of red eyes staring out from forest....

The family is enjoying their meal until shots were fired outside through the window and everyone took cover as everyone except Tai who went to call Y/n and/or Ozpin got their weapons and aimed their guns outside

Suddenly 3 warriors jumped out with knives in their hands...

One swings his blade a bunch of times at Yang only to get a fast uppercut to the face and kicked him out of the house then dashed towards her opponent and she saw the warrior quickly get back up and goes for a downward swing as Yang side stepped a...

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One swings his blade a bunch of times at Yang only to get a fast uppercut to the face and kicked him out of the house then dashed towards her opponent and she saw the warrior quickly get back up and goes for a downward swing as Yang side stepped and strong sweeped him and kicked its stomach in and shoots a bunch of shotgun blasts at it which pierced the armor and killed it

Summer shoots at the unknown soldier to have only 4 shots pierce the armor but the warrior dash at Summer and engaged in a close quarters,swinging and clashing their weapons

Ruby swings her scythe around for her opponent to dodge and duck underneath but Ruby stabbed her weapon on the ground and spun herself around to hit a 8 kick combo to its face and got on her feet again to blast one shot at its chest which killed it but she shoots the warrior again to the face then looked up to see Yang brutally beating the shit out of her opponent to the point he wasn't moving then got off with blood all over her knuckles

Summers opponent flew outside to see it die and bleed out on the ground,Summer walked back into the destroyed living room as she looked at the warriors on the ground. Yang joined them and looked at these things and couldn't recognize them at all

Yang:"who or what are these things...?

Summer:"let's wait til Y/N and/or Ozpin comes and gives us their insight"

The daughters nodded and we scene change to the police at the front of the residence. Y/N is on a knee looking at the bodies and inspecting the faces and bodies of the warriors. Ozpin is next to the Rose and Xiao Longs waiting for Y/N to complete his inspections

Tai:"so not even you know what those things are?"he asked Ozpin

Ozpin:he shook his head"no...only our marine can tell us what those are,if our marine has ever encountered them before"

Y/N stood on his feet and gestured the cops to take the bodies away,as they did Y/N walked to Ozpin and the others as he shook his head with a a worried expression

Ozpin:"Y/N tell us what's wrong"

Ruby:"who and what are those things?"

Y/N:"those were Kabals from the Dark Eleven race called Drukhari. They travel all over the universe to raid planets and capture as many people to take in their ships and enslave them to do all kinds of dark things to their prey"

Tai:"how did they find us?"

Y/N:"they travel around the whole galaxy,they probably just found Remnant and was like 'a planet?time to raid' "

Yang:"why do they raid and take people and what do they do to their captured"

Y/N:"like I said Yang,they enslave and do dark and horrific things to them. As for why it's for 2 reasons:'s cause they like it and 2. It's for their survival"

Everyone looked at the marine like "wtf you mean?" on the second part

Y/N:"listen...Slaanesh is feeding on their souls daily and if they took a moment to relax and chill then they'll quickly have their souls drained and look old and brittle and die but if they inflict suffering on others or themselves then they'll go back to looking young and youthful. So they mostly do this for survival but also out of some enjoyment as well"

Summer:"so like vampires who need to suck blood?"she received a nod from Y/N

Tai:"then these bastards need to be put down on sight"

Y/N:"exactly, they will most likely hunt for small villages and other unprotected lands. I already have plenty of Daemon Grimm patrolling those areas and giving protection to as many as possible but knowing how these dark elves fight it won't be easy"

Summer:"but we took those 3 out easily earlier"

Y/N:"what you fought was a small 3 man squad,if you were to fight a whole army all of you would be dead in seconds and on top of that I can tell these Kabal were freshly deployed and didn't have much experience"

This made everyone go pale and they knew that a new war and enemy was about to invade this planet and those who haven't been captured yet....

All you can do...........


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