Assassination Plot

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Y/n's pov

Reiner and Gai both took their positions, Reiner leaning towards me and Gai towards Rim. But the green coat guys backed off from the nearing battle, causing Gaban and Reiner to verbally lash out at the green coats.

"What is the meaning of this, Sons of the Veldt?!" Gaban yelled. "I order you and your group to attack these Demon Lords!"

"As I had stated earlier, we were only contracted to be the bodyguards of the prince. That didn't involve the Demon Lords, only potential threats to the prince that would mean harm to him and him only." The leader of the now-known group; Sons of the Veldt stated.

"Tch! No matter, once I deal with the Demon Lords you are next." Gaban exclaimed. "Reiner, Gai, kill those two by whatever means you deem necessary."

"Understood/I got it." Both Gai and Reiner answered at Gaban. With both aiming their swords in our direction.

"I do hope you put on a great battle for me, Demon Lord Y/n. It's not like I want to beat you in one strike." Reiner laughed. "Besides, it wouldn't be fun if I could beat with this thing." Reiner flashed a purple ord with a black spot in the center.

"If you're hoping to taunt me then you're dead wrong. Now, come." I raised my arm and did a 'come here' hand motion to Reiner.

"Hahahahaa!!! Sure, but don't cry to me to stop. Even if you crawl here and lick my boots, I won't guarantee that I'll torture you for fun." Reiner said, walking forward. "And look at this, [Guards of Promise], [Boasts of Death], and lastly [Flocks of Waves]".

"And what do you think that wi--!" I cut myself off once I saw Reiner move in an instant. Ducking down, I dodged a high kick from Reiner made behind me.

"Impressive," Reiner commented. "But I'm not done yet!"

"I could say the same to you." Dodging another attack made by Reiner, I bounced backward from Reiner creating some distance between us. After a few moments of us staring at each other, I threw a ki blast at him.

"The fuck that's supposed to do?" Reiner cocked his sword ready to slice down the ki blast but as soon as the ki blast went too close to him I steered my finger to the right, up, then left. Once the ki blast made contact it exploded.

"The fuck was that?!" Reiner roared. "Whatever. If that's all you have to offer then prepare to die!" Reiner like before moved in an instant. "Behind you".

Reiner whispered in my ear. Seeing him going in for a punch, I grabbed his fist and lifted him up in the air then smashed him to the ground. "If this is all you have to offer I'm disappointed," I commented.

"Who said I'm me?" Reiner said as his body disappeared in a mist.

'A clone? Something isn't right.' Looking around the whole chamber became involved in mist. 'I can't sense his Ki. This mist is interfering with his location.'

"What's wrong? Having a little..." For a split second, Reiner came near me and slashed my cheek then disappeared into the mist. "Trouble?"

Closing my eyes, I tried to at least sense the slightest of Ki coming for the mist. "Hmmmmm..."

"Idiot! I found an opening!" Reiner shouted. But I didn't care I let him hit me, I just need to find the real him.

"Over here. Oh never mind, I'm here. Sorry, my fault, it was actually here... or maybe here? I don't know but I'm somewhere." Reiner kept saying shit while slicing up my body as I'm trying to locate him.

" Reiner kept saying shit while slicing up my body as I'm trying to locate him

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