Diablo's Reward

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Y/n's Pov

"Y/n-sama, your tea." Diablo said to me as I'm bored.

"Thank you." I took a sip of the tea and it tasted... different. "Diablo, how come the tea tastes different?" I asked Diablo.

"Yea. My tea also tastes a bit bitter than the ones I drink. Are the leaves different?" Rim commented.

"Is it not to your liking?" Diablo asked in a worried tone.

"I wouldn't say it's not but it is just the bitterness that's stronger than the usual." Rim replied.

"And I don't mind but it was a question out of curiosity." I mumbled.

"I-I'll replace the tea at once!" Shion exclaimed as she hurriedly grabbed our tea and returned to the kitchen to change out the tea. Though it wasn't necessary since it's an improvement from Shion's insta-death foods, though it isn't anywhere near the level of Shuna's but progress is progress.

"W-wait, could it be?!" Rim blurted out.

"Kufufufu... The tea has been prepared by Shion-dono, as she insisted on impressing you. And for insurance, I taste-tested the tea for poison when it was offered." Diablo answered.

"Huh. That's a surprise. But what's more surprising is that you were willing to help her." Rim said.

"I had no choice. Due to Benimaru-dono having to complain about taste-testing Shion-dono's food every day. Thus I was forced to do Benimaru-dono's job. The job though simple gave me a once-in-a-lifetime experience of feeling ill." Diablo said with an expression of satisfaction.

"S-Samas! Here's the re-made tea...!" Shion said as she gave out the tea to the two of us.

I took a sip of the newly made tea and while it tastes the same, not that I'm going to say it, it has some pleasantness to it, so it's no big deal to drink.

"Thanks, Shion. It tastes good." I said.

"I agree. Keep it up, Shion!" Rim praised.

"T-thank you, Samas!" Shion said bowing up and down. "Would you like more?".

"Sure" We both said.

"Oh, and now that you're here Diablo. I forgot to give you your reward from the time you did an excellent job for the Farmus Operation." Rim said.

"There's no need, Rimuru-sama. I merely wish to be your aide." Diablo denied.

"No. You are the only one not given a reward from me apart from the other. So if you have any wish to be made I'll do it." Rim said, wanting Diablo to be rewarded.

"Well, in that case, I do have a request to be approved of." Diablo said 

"Go on..." Rim said.

"Yes. I was hoping that you may grant me permission in recruiting some subordinates to manage miscellaneous tasks." Diablo said.

"Like making tea and stuff?" I interjected.

"Ah, no, not that. Taking care of your personal affairs and needs are my wishes alone. Instead, my subordinates will be handling trivial matters such as razing nations to the ground. Therefore, I can always be by your side." Diablo explained with a smile.

'O_O Diablo gay confirmed?!'

"I don't see a problem with it. As long as they don't do anything against us in the future then it's acceptable." I said.

"If my brother agrees with it, then I see no problem with it. So how much money do need?" Rim asked.

Diablo shook his head with a smile plastered on, "No, I don't have the need for it to have subordinates. But what I need would be bodies, preferably ones that can be possessed."

"All right. Is it okay if it's something like what I gave to Beretta?" Rim asked.

"Yes. That'll suffice. I'm sure they won't complain about it." Diablo responded.

"Thats good to know but are sure that's the reward you really want?" Rim asked for Diablo's certainty. 

"Yes. Though I do recall that the people I'll be recruiting have subordinates of their own. Is it okay to bring them along as well?". Diablo replied with a question.

"Are you sure they'll be willing to be your subordinates?" I asked Diablo.

"Kufufufufufufu. Why yes, of course, Y/n-sama. I have my ways of making sure people are willing to agree with the things I say." Diablo replied with confidence. "Besides, I am sure once they are offered bodies they will gladly be loyal to you, Samas." 

"By the way, how many of the subordinates are we talking about?" I asked.

"About hundreds, at most thousands." Diablo said.

"Woah!! That's a lot of demons. Are you trying to wage a war or something?" 

"No, nothing of the sorts. Though if I do go to war with them I'm sure I'll be fine, there's not a lot of demons who-". Diablo got cut.

"Are you... going to be okay?" Rim asked with concern.

"Yes. I can assure you of that." Diablo consoled.

"So where are you going to get so many demons from?"

"The Demon Realm, Y/n-sama." Diablo answered.

"Oh ok- WAIT WHAT?! Diablo you're having Janemba and Xapan (Forgot he existed 💀) with you." I declared. "That's my decision, whether you like it or not."

"Y/n is there something in the Demon Realm that is making you want to have Janemba, of all characters, go with Diablo?" Rim asked. 

"*sigh* I'll say this in a way that won't be everyone anxious." Before I continued I paused myself so that everyone can prepare for the worst. "Okay, so a couple of weeks ago, Janemba told me about 3 people in the Demon Realm who was Goku and Vegeta's old enemies. The ones who I think are present there are Cell, Majin Buu, and Frieza or Cooler. I don't know whether they're already here since I don't know their Ki signature but if I sense a large Ki signature I'll know if it's one of those 3." I explained.

"That is... Wow... Diablo, I think it's best if you go now and do what you need to do. Shion, inform the others about a meeting for this. Y/n, I want all the details." Rim ordered everyone and everyone did what they're told.

"OK, so what do you wanna know?".


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