The Meeting of Races

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(A/n: This is 3 days after the "More Dungeon Stuff" chapter. Also, how'd you like my new profile pic?)


Y/n's Pov

"So with the dungeon done and the construction of everything also done. I assume that what's left is the Founder Festival, right?". 'Why does it feel like we've made a lot of festivals?'.

Rim: "Not necessarily. We still have to deal with some stuff. First, would be Mjöllmile's introduction into our officials, though I already sorted it out. So what we really need to do first, is have a town-wide meeting about the many races of monsters and demi-humans living in the Jura Forest before we start the Founder Festival.".

"The reason being?". I said in curiosity.

Rim: "Well as you know we're newly born D.Ls. Well, for me it's both a title and a part of my evolution. For you, it's just a title. So we need to prove that we're as strong and respected as the other D.Ls. 'Cause if we don't -".

"We're prone to be attacked by the other races outside of our domain, right?". I said interrupted Rim by continuing his sentence.

Rim: "Yeah. And the meeting starts in a couple of hours, so be prepared." 

"Don't we live in the same house? I'm pretty sure I should be telling you that, once Shuna and Shion come over there."

Rim: "*PTSD flashbacks* Please don't remind me. Can you... hide me from them?". 

"And what do I get in return?". 

Rim: "You... uh... you get to pat my head... BUT ONLY FOR TODAY!". He said childishly.

"Deal. But don't I get to do that either way, since I'm the older one?".

Rim: "That doesn't matter! I'm still a 37-year-old man inside!".

"You're... not... wrong...".

RIm: "Whatever. Let's just get ready for the meeting. And remember to hide me!".

(3 hours later of Y/n trying to hide Rimuru from clothes)

"I can see why you have PTSD of them whenever you have to change."

Rim: "Finally, someone sees a problem. *sigh* A deals a deal."

"Nice." I said as I patted Rim's head. 

Rigurd: "Ah, samas. You're here, please take a seat while we have the other races come into the outdoor chamber. The other executives are already in line."

Rim/Y/n: "Thanks."

(A/n: Btw Rimuru is in his human form.)

Me and Rim walked our way to our chairs. Once we sat down, we had Benimaru, Geld, Gabiru, and Rigurd on our right. Shion, Kanchō, Shuna, and Gobuta are on our left. And lastly Ranga is behind us.

 And lastly Ranga is behind us

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