The Wrath of Y/N pt 1

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Y/n pov

'Damnit! Why can't I instant transmission to Rimuru or the town?! I sense ki from the town disappearing and Rim's lowing. Why?!'. I panic as I have no idea what to do. 'What's this? The force that didn't let me I.T to Rim is gone, now's my chance! *pop*


"Brother! Are you ok?! What happened? Also I can't seem to teleport into the town."
Rimuru: "Nani?! Let me try teleporting.
WHAT?!? There's a barrier around the town that can't let any type of teleportation be used. Let me try and teleport somewhere near Tempest. Alright, Y/n get on Ranga."
"Right". *slow pop*

*slow pop*

Gabiru: "Oh! Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama!"
"Tell us the situation on Tempest."
Kanchō: "Hai. Y/n-sama, -"
Rimuru: "First of Kanchō, *throws healing potion* now tells us the situation."
Gabiru: "We can use this. *shows magic orb*"
"I think that's the barrier Rim talked about earlier when I tried to I.T there. But, I want to who on Earth put that there?'
Kanchō: "Most likely it was the human nation, the nation of Falmuth. I have confirmed that they have initiated military action. A large army is headed straight to Tempest."
"Of course, it's humans. No matter, lets get to the city as quick as possible."

(A few moments later)

"Ooh? This is the barrier? *touches it* Hmmm... It seems easy to break, but I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt. Kanchō, I want you and your remaining forces to track down the people who erected the barrier but don't engage them."
Kanchō: "Understood. But how should I contact you?"
Rimuru: "With this *summons a string*, we should be able able to use telepathy/thought communication, even through this barrier."
Kanchō: "I see."
Rimuru: "Alright, go. Ranga stay in either mine's or Y/n's shadow. And Gabiru, wait here in case anyone comes here."
Everyone: "Hai!"
Me and Rim walk towards the barrier, I put up my own barrier, the one that's like Vegito's when he went inside Buu. We start running towards the plaza, but as I look around everything is damaged, there's blood. Blood everywhere. Oh My Omni King.
"This is terrible."
Rim: "Focus, Y/n, we can't let this distract us. We have to find the citizens."
We eventually end up in the plaza where there's injured hobgoblins, orcs, lizard men. 'Even children were harmed. What kind of cold-hearted pieces of shit did this?'
Rigurd: "Rimuru-sama! Y/n-sama! I'm glad you've returned!"
"Rigurd, what happened here?"
Rigurd: "Here's not a good place talk about about. Let's go to the emergency meeting room to discuss."
I look around and see 2 hooded figures. "Rigurd, who are they?"
Rigurd quickly gets in front us and tells us they're no one important.
"Rigurd, this is no time for you to do this, we must be suspicious about anyone who isn't from Tempest."
Suddenly a explosion can be heard and seen.
Rim: "That's... Benimaru?!"
"Oi, wait up!" We ram to the direction of the explosion. We can see Benimaru holding Youm and Grucius.
Rim: "Benimaru, stop!
He drops the two to the ground and kneels.
"Tell us what has happened."
Benimaru: "It's this barrier. It blocks magic and it has reduced our powers. From that it resulted in vi- we shall talk about that later. But that was when we realized that the reason that the barrier was up was because of that women over there."
Geld: "We tried to locate and capture her, but Youm-dono and Grucius interfered, so we had to be forced in combat."
Youm: "Master! I'm sorry! I never had the intention of betraying you! I... Just wanted to save Mjurran; the women behind me."
"Youm, I understand that you want to save her, but the fact is that she's partly responsible for this chaos. *looks at Mjurram* You, tell us what did you cause?"
Mjurran: "All I can say is, how many have been sacrificed because of my actions? The one who created this horrific scene?"
Rim: "Horrific? Sacrificed? What do you mean?"
"D-don't tell me t-that?"
Mjurran: "You shall see when you see it."
We follow Mjurran, everywhere all I see is blood and injured people. "I can't stand seeing them hurt. [Ki transfer - Area Healing Mode]". I send my Ki throughout the town, healing every citizen. We finally got to a stop, what I see is....... Are these dead bodies? Is this real? Is this a dream?
What... is the meaning of this? Are they all... dead" Me and Rim said.
Hobgoblin lord 1: "It was the humans. They were merciless..."
'Of course...'
Hobgoblin lord 1: "We did what you ordered us to do, when you first introduced the rule to the village. But the result to that..."
'The rules?... But the rule would've prevented this. Right? If humans attacked then we retaliate. But in the end it lead to deaths, whether my way or Rim's.' I turn my hand into a fist.
Mjurran: "If I hadn't used that magic, this would've never happened."
"You! You caused this! And for what?! Tell me! Why did you want to cause such bloodshed?! Wwwhhhhyyyy?!?!!?". I walk towards her and get ready to punch her, I'm stopped Rim. "Brother, why are you stopping me? You know as well as I do that she caused this."
Rim: "I want to hear more, there could be a chance that this wasn't her actions."
"What hell do you mean it wasn't her actions? Was it a fucking ghost that did this bullshit?". I angrily told Rim.
Rim: "Just trust me on this, brother."
"Tch. Fine."

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