Thank you

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To be honest, I really didn't think I'd finish this story. I started it two years ago, with so much ambition and love for it, but along the way I found my attention drifting elsewhere. The fact that we've made it to the end is almost a miracle, but it feels so wonderful to see it end how I always envisioned. 

Thank you for reading the story of the diamond and the thief, a story of love and loss, of emptiness and warmth. It means the world to me that you decided to click on this book series, and that you stuck around until the end. Their story is one I'll always hold close to my heart and has helped me not only escape from the stress of life but also process so much of it, too. 

The conversations I have had with all of you about it has only made the experience so much more enjoyable. Talking with you has filled me with such love and appreciation, and I'm so lucky to call you my people. 

We did this. Not just me. Give yourself a pat on the back besties!

Finally closing this chapter is such a strange feeling, but one I am finally ready to do, and I hope to see you all on my next stories so we can continue this journey together. 

As always, 

Stay safe, 

Big love, 

C x

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