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'But for now it's time to run, it's time to run!'


The Heist. Part Two.

Keys in their respective locks, we work quickly to get inside the cases, all lined with riches none of us could ever understand.

We tune out the world beyond this wall, even with sirens passing every other second towards the source of the blast. Within the next five minutes, there will be more cars to follow. The vaults in every bank across the capital will unlock, while that of the Bank of England finds itself broken into by another group from Claude's team. And South of the River, away from us, money will rain down on the sleepy streets of London. Those that are returning from nights out or late shifts will have fun collecting, and the police will not know where to start.

At the site of the explosion, they will find the empty office block Hugo Charles recently bought. The one he tortured me in for hours until he finally succumbed to us. At first, the authorities will think nothing of it. Perhaps faulty wiring causing a blast, or even a weak structure from a money hungry company. But then they'll piece together things.

Documents will be littered amongst the rubble. Weapons poking out that shouldn't be there. And eventually, they will find him. Hugo Charles, his body mangled and crushed, at the centre of his crimes.

The country will be much too preoccupied with his masochism to acknowledge the Crown Jewels, and with that, the police cannot ask for witnesses, and their forces will be focused on the villain and not the thieves. In plain sight, we'll pull off the most ambitious robbery the world has ever seen.

And we have four minutes to do it.

As soon as I step into the case, I immediately move towards the diamond on the Crown. It's smaller, easier to get out fast, so that I can focus more of my time on the Sceptre. Weighing in at 530.20 carats, the Cullinan I was once the largest diamond the world had seen, meaning it will take more time and effort than the smaller 317.40 carat Cullinan II in the Crown.

In my head, I remind myself of each step.

Pull back the prongs. Dislodge the stone from the glue. Add new glue. Place the stone. Push the prongs.

One after the other, counting down each second as I hear a clock in my ears. It could be my heartbeat that I follow, using the rhythm as a timer. A heart can beat up to 100 times per a minute if healthy. Mine seems to be nearing 70 or 80. I'm sure if I give power to my anxiety, the sweat on my forehead and the subtle shake of my fingers, then it would beat faster. But then my job would be sloppier. Easier to spot. The key is to be careful but fast.

The prongs are pulled back, one by one. Somewhat stiffer than I anticipated, though I've prepared for it. These pieces are old, and while they're cleaned every now and again, they don't get the attention they need sometimes. It takes slightly more effort, but I know I can be quicker on the Sceptre with this knowledge.

In my pocket, I feel the fakes move. They bounce with every quick shift, rattling along to fill the silence. The others are quiet too, not communicating in their groups unless they need to. The only one we worry about is Niall, his skills not as advanced in this task. He can manage it, but he may need help, so I need to ensure I get my task done quick in case he needs assistance. The others have more stones to focus on, they need to be cautious.

I let my eyes wonder over to them briefly, my fingers working from memory on the last few prongs. Claude and Zayn are already replacing their stones, preparing to push down the prongs before they can move to others. They nod to each other when the fakes are in, focusing their eyes on the work of their hands.

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