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'I think I found hell, I think I found something'


In the heart of Elephant and Castle, one of the most infamous gangs of the 20th century found their base. Allied with theElephant and Castle Mob, this group became known for their skills in shoplifting and outrunning the police, making a name for themselves beyond their partnerships, and more importantly their male counterparts. While other gangs were led by and made for unruly and brutish men, the Forty Elephants (or Forty Thieves) were exclusively made of women.

During their heyday, they targeted the high-class areas of London, alongside seaside towns where the rich folk would holiday, stealing whatever loot they could then sell through pawnbrokers, market squares, and fences. An incredibly clever network, rarely punished to the same degree as the men that fought their way through their territory in the capital, and still, some of the most ruthless criminals out there today.

While most believe the gang to have dispersed following the Second World War, they actually thrived under the radar, expanding their business and thefts and establishing themselves in the criminal underworld beyond the men they previously associated themselves with. For this reason, they are our first stop on the list of people we need to recruit to join us. A group already aligned with Hugo, but one we're sure we can sway.

When Harry first suggested meeting with them, even Babz found herself cautious. She'd had run-ins with a few of the women during her time on the streets before she joined the Municipal, and apparently, they'd even tried to recruit her. Declining such an offer clearly didn't go down well, the group threatening Babz if she ever decided to step foot in South London and tried to steal within their territory. She's obeyed that rule ever since, and her leg hasn't stopped bouncing in the back seat as we make our way over the river towards the warehouse we know the group to frequent.

Harry has met with them a few times, even during his time working with Hugo, but he's never been able to get them on his side. There have been a few disagreements between them over the years, some objects that Harry probably shouldn't have stolen and causing them to ask for compensation, and whether he actually paid them or not is a mystery he refuses to reveal.

But despite all this, the Forty Thieves seem like the best place to start. The reason? Whatever Hugo is offering them, they'll never find themselves completely loyal to a man if their entire power lies in their womanhood. Of course, it is Harry that leads the Municipal, but this has become much more collaborative since Hugo launched his attacks on us, and that's the key selling point we'll give them. That, and the chance to take over the criminal underworld on this side of the river once Hugo Charles is removed from the equation.

It's something everyone in the business knows they've been after since the gang was formed in the late 1800s, but the men of the criminal scene never took them seriously. Yet, through their quiet workings, they've already made significant progress in this, largely because they know how to outsmart the fighting idiots of the other gangs in London, and because they pay attention to the changing tides of the world while others remain ignorant. They know how to lead, probably better than most, and if Hugo is removed from his throne, it's likely they'll be able to lead the takeover they've always wanted. And we're going to help.

Though it's been almost a year since joining the criminal activities of the group, I never thought I'd find myself meeting and aligning with notorious gangs. I thought the violence we found ourselves in would be our limit, not seeking it out further with those that are much better versed in the underground politics of London, but it seems I've been wrong about many things. And part of me, though cloaked in the anxiety of uncertainty, is excited.

Legacy // H.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن