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Stupid as fuck nigga, I don't know who that was but y'all better let that fuck nigga know it's a hit out on him, I yelled as I pulled up to the block ready to off a few of these niggas.

So I was home with this little bitch name Ashley when Dean and Beni punk ass broke into my house as I'm fucking the bitch.
Talking about someone call both of them telling them that I was killed . Ah nigga don't even go no where to get killed and I damn sure ain't letting no foot walker killer me.

What happened was Z stupid ass took my wallet and phone earlier today because we got into it and the hoe probably just hand it to anyone.
I tracked the phone down to the location and it's like 17 niggas here looking spook as hell, but when I learn who it was I'm off their bitch ass.

Getting back in the truck with my brother, he was pissed. When I say this nigga was damn near in tears, it's funny but then again it's not, that shit is scary as fuck.

I'm finna go beat Z ass and make her cry, that bitch play to fucking much .

30 mins
Please stop, she cried as I ripped her clothes off of her.
Shut the fuck up , who you gave my phone to? I scream as she's crying as I ripped the shirt completely off of her.
Some boy, I don't know who, she cried as I am standing over her.
We wasn't together because her insecurities, I loved this girl and I loved my kids but she felt like I would cheat and I wouldn't , I made that one mistake years ago and it fucked our whole relationship up.

I should beat your ass but I ain't , you lucky, I scream as my son walked into the room crying.

It's okay daddy man, go get your shoes and your sisters shoes, y'all going with daddy , I said as her two oldest came in.
Their mine to so I took all of them and she hated it but their team daddy , fuck her.

I just want to off all them I said to Dean as we sat in front of the spot that Mitch's phone was last located at.
I was pissed he was taking it lightly but I wasn't . I want blood and I was going to get it. You don't play with shit like that, like we done lost someone so close to us that any scare we get it's heartbreaking so by a fuck nigga doing this is fucked up and I want all the bullshit

So I got in Dean head and he's actually agreeing with me and we both think we should make these lil fuck niggas talk .

Getting out the truck, I was happy he wasn't dead but I also was upset because I'm getting waken up with this bullshit and ah bitch want to play so I'm finna play with someone time , shit someone life.

So who gonna be the snitch this morning? I said automatically pulling my gun.
The fuck? A few of these stupid ass Foot runners 🏃‍♀️ shockingly said.

Man Beni I'm sure He ain't ain't know it was Mitch's phone. The lady just dropped the phone off and told us to get the money that called the phone, this young nigga name Tony says as I looked at him. I knew Tony's daddy, he was one of our top hitters, I don't know why Lol Tony is out here and what the fuck he had going on.
It's 7 in the morning the sun is just coming out and I been up since 3 with this bullshit so I want all the pressure.

Who is He????? Dean says, this nigga is mad at the world right now so he was all for the offing ah bitch today. He had a lot of shit going on so I know he didn't mind playing the bullet game that we ain't play in years because we ain't have to.

Man Lil Mike, he had the phone, dude says as everyone else just looked at the ground.
I'll give anyone of y'all 10g to off his punk ass, Dean says as I looked over them.

Damn this used to be me, I was once a foot runner and I was like these lil niggas, I ain't have no future and all I seen was easy money .
Looking at the young niggas , the shit hit home. Dean couldn't relate to none of this shit, he was always on Top of shit. Both his parents sold drugs and both of them always had something for their children. My parents and do shit for me so I know how theses fuck niggas feel.

Nah we ain't gonna kill him, we gonna teach him.
I said walking off, Tony when you see him call me, I said as Dean looked at me side ways.
Don't harm him, just call me, I replied getting back in my truck. Why kill the lil nigga? He was just being a asshole but I'm finna work this nigga.

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