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You don't have anything to say to me? Demi asked as I walked out of her brothers back yard.
Out of no where this bitch comes up to me and started. Telling me we have to talk one day and it's not healthy for the kids and this and that.
I ignored her because I didn't have time to entertain her. We wasn't together and we ain't have shit to talk about.
My kids was with me 90% of the time, I didn't fuck with Demi, I didn't talk to Demi , I didn't say Demi's name in my house.
What else did Demi want?

Man sis chill why you doing all this? Dean says as I continue to walk. Bitch you put me in jail how many times this year? What did I have to say to you?
We went to court and she didn't show so the cases got dropped but still bitch you put me in that situation because you always starting something, get the fuck out of here.

Putting all the kids in my truck, I had to give it to Dean he got all my vehicles painted and shit, I was thankful for that but I ain't fuck with bruh, like Nigga your sister be doing the most and you try to tell me I'm wrong for beating her ass, the bitch always coming for me first ,like now.

You not taking my kids then, like Nigga you cannot even talk to ah bitch who birth 5 of your kids, she says running up in my face.
Trying not to snap, I just looked down at her with hate in my eyes.
You hate me? She cried as I just looked in her eyes.
Yes I fuck up and yes I did some fuck shit to get back at you but can you tell me you really hate me? She says as I just looked at her.

Like I said pretty as a fucking flower but crazy ass a motherfucker.
Man I don't hate you, you know that but we ain't cool. Like all that shit that took place ain't cool, I have said some shit to you that be fucked up but I never put you in jail after all you did to me , for you to keep doing that to me is fucked up, I said trying not to get upset.
You right and I was wrong , I'm sorry . She says as I looked at her.

Cool like we can coparent , I ain't got no sweat 😓 I say just trying to make peace so she can leave me alone.
Thank you, I'm sorry and I'm happy you talked to me. Can I have a hug? She asked as I just looked at her.
Giving her a hug, it felt weird like a feeling I never felt with her. Maybe the grip she had on my heart isn't there anymore , maybe I'm really over her and I can love someone else .

After that shit with her fake ass, I took my kids home and made them shower and eat. Their in bed now and I'm sitting here on my laptop thinking about how can I  stop selling drugs and live life to the fullest. Yeah I know I had money but I needed to me a billionaire before I stopped. Like ah nigga was sick
Of thugging, I was sick of dealing with bitches , I was sick of all of it and it was time to throw the towel in. That's for them young Niggas, I'm trying to be a bitch's husband .

2 am
What are you doing up? I asked Briana as she came into my room.
I don't know daddy , I want some ice cream she says as she gets in my bed.
Ugh no it's to late, I said as I looked at her.

Daddy can my momma and you be friends ? She asked as she get under my covers.
Yeah we cool, I said as I just looked at her.
Okay daddy, can you pass me your remote? She asked .
Umm it's 2 in the morning but whatever, giving her the remote I got out the bed.
Covering her up , they always run me out my bed , I couldn't sleep with he television on, so I'll just go in the guest room , if it's not her it's Brit , both thought they controlled my room.

I just wish Demi move on and I can find me someone who's gonna love me and my kids.
I wanted to be happy for once, no fighting ,no bitching just love ❤️ and happiness. Shit ah nigga wanted a bad ass bitch on his dick with no drama .

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