Mix feelings

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3 weeks later
Damn hoe you dressed UP , Charm said as I walked into her birthday dinner at this Beach house she rent and had decorated so nicely.
I couldn't stay stuck on Beni, we was over and he moved on. I was hurt but what could I do? Like he said I fucked that up.

Thanks sis, I try, I needed to step out. I need a few drinks , my life been crazy, I said as I sat next to her.
Bitch it's so nice in here Ziara says as she walked in with Milan. Yeah it's like we adopted Milan she was our baby , shit she was my baby momma, her boys called me Mommy two , so it was all love.

T left her alone after stalking and trying to get back with her after Mitch beat him up. He said he was sorry about all that and he sent the kids back to their grandma. I have no clue what happened to their momma, I just know she wasn't in the picture.
Milan said she would never be back with him. She was working and going to school, she moved out my place and got her own little house and sis was doing good.
The boys still was with their daddy and she had her daughter, she said she was happy Beni took them full time .

As the dinner started everyone was almost here.
I had my tequila and pineapple juice and I was relaxing.
I didn't know if Beni was coming , I hope he wasn't , I didn't want to be in my feelings if he was here with ah bitch.

Bitch Ziara whispered as she elbowed me.
What bitch? I lowly said looking up from my phone .
Shit. I said getting butterflies in my stomach . Looking at Dean, Mitch and Beni walk towards us I know I had to leave ,this nigga was the reason I was so depress and I couldn't stomach being around him knowing I loved him so much.
Then he looking so nice and handsome .

Stupid fine for no reason, Ziara whispers as she rolled her eyes.
Mitch and her wasn't together at all and she was upset that he stop trying to be with her. She said he was wrong so she felt he should of continue to fight for her but he didn't , he said he wasn't finna keep doing dumb shit and she just ignored or wouldn't let up, so he left her completely alone. He took care of them kids and that's it .

Watching them hug Charm , then Kim. I hope they didn't come down here, being we are their enemies.
Watching Dean and Mitch hug Milan, Beni went around her, she was on his hit list to, she said she had the boys for a few hours and Lil B hit his head and Beni damn near flipped out on her. She said he had roughed her up and it scared the fuck out of her. He was real stupid when it came to the kids , like dumb stupid.
Not saying nothing to me he just sat next to me and it made me so uncomfortable.
Like why are you sitting next to me?? I cannot touch you or say anything to you.

Looking up to Kim looking at me, she told me in my face I was wrong. Shit both of them did , Charm said once that Nigga touched me I should of slapped him or something but instead I was laughing .

I know that was stupid I know and I know I fucked that up.
This nigga smelt so good , omg 😳 like nigga why sit next to me?
What's up sis? Dean says as he bend down to hug me. Hi brother I cooed, looking in his eyes he knew I was depressed and down about Beni leaving me this time. Kissing my cheek, he was trying to be a better brother. He told me Beni took that shit hard and he was upset about it to, but he said he will talk to him. I even showed him the video that Beni wouldn't even look at. He said I should of did more then laugh.

Not speaking to me Mitch sat next to Beni, he ain't even speak to Ziara. I'm telling you we was Hollywood most hated in their eyes.

Trying my best not to look at him , I chatted with Ziara. You could see the hurt in her eyes to , she loved Mitch. He fucked up and now he's ignoring her.

Eating and drinking everyone laughed.
Beni really wasn't saying nothing. I felt him looking at me a few times but I wouldn't dare look at him.
Getting up to go pee, I fixed my shorts.
Yes I was looking good, shit I told myself this morning that I was gonna dress it all up .
I had on this Burberry shorts set , the shorts covered just my ass, like if I bend over you would see all the ass, the shirt was made like a crop top . After the twins I picked up a lot of weight but it went to my ass, I was juice. I was simple with some Burberry heels, my hair was straighten. I just wanted to feel good about myself .

Getting up I hear him say something as I walked off behind Z , I don't know what he said but I knew it was something because I hear Mitch and Dean laugh.

I only came to this dinner party because Charm, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here because I wasn't dealing with Demi. Stupid hoe hurt me and she knew she did . Like bitch I'm trying to marry you and you got this fuck nigga all in your face and bitch you laughing and shit. Like come on, that shit ain't cool.

It's been hard for me, like I was all for marrying her and being that nigga for her but as we all know she ain't for me . Like I don't want no friendly bitch and I don't want ah hoe who gonna keep giving other Niggas attention.

She looked good as fuck today and I wanted to give her all this hard dick but she ain't deserve it.

I wasn't fucking with Milan stupid ass either. I just beat her ass a few days ago for letting my boy hurt himself. She talking about he was flipping but my son said a dresser in her room did it. Like why lie knowing they tell everything??? So I roughed her up a little and told her she better play with someone else before playing with me. She stupid as hell but I appreciate her for giving me my sons .

Watching her walk back out with Ziara , she looked so fucking juicy . Damn I said again as she walked back towards her seat.
Nigga don't look to hard, Kim says as I eye fucked her.
I ain't hide the fact that she's fine and I loved what I was seeing. Everyone at this table knew I felt she was the baddest bitch I ever had and prettiest bitch I ever had and I loved her stupid ass but they also knew Demi did stupid shit.

Looking at her thighs as she walked towards me. She had her whole left leg tatted down to her feet. Shit was so sexy and of course my name stood out more then anything.

Just stupid fine for no reason I said straight face . Making everyone at the table laugh, I wasn't trying to be a fuck nigga but it was true. Stupid fine but dumb ass shit.
Just looking at me she didn't say nothing .sitting down, she looked like I had embarrassed her but shit that's how I felt.

Nigga put five babies in your stupid ass and you still cannot be faithful? I added as she just looked down at her hands.
That shit stupid as fuck, ah nigga trying to give you the world and you got a broke nigga in your face, just stupid , I said to her as she just looked at her hands.

Standing up I had to leave , I promise I wanted to punch her in her shit but I ain't trying to go to jail behind her stupid ass.
Happy birthday sis, I said to Charm as I kissed her cheeks.
Love you bruh, she cooed back as I looked back at Demi.
Still looking down at her hands, dumb ass, she couldn't say shit.

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