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So you finna ignore me? I asked Z as she walked passed me.
I haven't seen her or my kids in two weeks and I'm
Missing them like crazy.
I learnt the chick was recording and the video just got passed around like a fucking ball.

I was sorry but what else did she want me to do ??it happened.

What do we have to talk about? You can give me some money for your kids, she meanly says as I walked behind her. Man I want you and the kids back home, we just got our own place , I'm trying to be a family with you and our kids, I said as I grabbed her arm.
To bad go be a family with them nasty hoes you was fucking in Miami, she says as she pulls from me.

Man I told you I was sorry and I will do anything to make up with you, I said grabbing her again but this time she swings and slap me in the face.
Don't fucking touch me , hoe ass nigga, she yells as she continues to hit me. I do not care that she's a woman, if she hits me she knows I'm hit her back so her best bet is to keep hitting .
Grabbing her by the neck she dig her long nails in my arms as I yanked her to the back of the shop.

Beating her ass, she fought back and I kicked ass. Stupid ass bitch, she yelled as we pulled from each other. My face was bleeding and she was blue and purple. You think that's gonna make me come back? Nigga you will never have this pussy again, she screams.
That's fine hoe I'll have the next bitch in my bed tonight, I said as she looked at me with evil eyes .

I was wrong but so what? I'm ah nigga and I fucked
Up, she can take me back or be bitter, ain't no other nigga gonna take care of her stupid ass and she knew that.

Walking out of Demi's shop, everyone looked at me crazy . This stupid bitch had ripped my shirt and scratched my face and arms up pretty bad.
Dumb ass bitch I said to myself as she came out the shop behind me.

You think you can say or do anything to me? I ain't fucking with you but you're fucking with me, she yells as I looked at her.
Man I'm keep fucking with you until I'm sick of fucking with you. Your best option is to come home and stop being stupid, it was a fucking mistake, I said as she stood by her car looking so upset.

So you want me to come home after you cheated on me and just forgive you? She asked as Demi and Kim stood outside of the salon .
I want to make it up to you, I'll do whatever but I ain't finna let you try me, I said as she just shook her head.
Im so sick of you thinking what you did was okay, that's so fucked up. I been rocking with you for all these fucking years and you do me like this? How many times you cheated on me? She yelled as tears exit.

This my first time man you know I ain't never cheat on you, I said as I looked her in the eyes.

I wasn't lying I ain't never cheat on this bitch .

Nigga you crazy, Beni says as we are back at Demi's shop and I'm fucking with Z.
She wouldn't answer my calls or texts still and it pissed me off.

Why are you doing that? She asked as I removed the tires from her car.
I brought these bitches, that's why I yelled as she grabbed me by the shirt.

Nigga you stupid, Beni laughed as I fought with her.
Grabbing her hair, I wanted to make her come home so I was doing everything in my power to fuck with her.
I went and got all the kids , even the three that wasn't mine. I took them home and told my sisters to watch them.
I was planning on kidnapping her today and not bringing her back until she agree on coming home .

You cheats and you doing all this, nigga you was wrong, she cried as Demi hugs her.
I told you I was sorry, I ain't try to hurt you, I was wrong but what can I do? I cannot take it back it's done, I promise I want do it again, I said trying to grab her but she pulls from me.

Give me time to get me together, nigga you damaged my whole soul, she cried as I just looked at her.
I had to give her that, I ain't never cheat on her so I feel where she's coming from.

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