???: You won't remember a thing, we can start over. My rising star, wait for me. I'll be out of here one day.

Y/n: Rising star . . .

The dizziness came back. You clutched your head, but it all went away in a few seconds. The wind seemingly blowing it all away.

Your eyes shot open and you sat up. You were back in your room, alone. The sun was up, how long have you been asleep? You got up and changed out of your tear soaked clothes and into some dry ones. You left and found Rayla, sitting alone.

Y/n: Hey, Rayla.

Rayla: Hi, Y/n.

You sat next to her.

Y/n: I heard you told him.

Rayla: I couldn't keep it a secret anymore.

Y/n: It's okay, I understand. It's hard to hold something like that in.

As if on cue, Callum walked up and sat down next to you.

Callum: I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell him.

Rayla: Callum . . .

Callum: And I understand why neither of you could tell me so soon. When you care about someone, it's hard to hurt them. Even when what you're telling them is the truth.

Rayla: You had the right to know. I shouldn't have kept it a secret for so long.

Y/n: I should've been there to tell you too.

Callum: I think maybe I did know. Deep down, I knew. I just hoped, if I didn't think about it, maybe somehow, it wouldn't be true. But he's gone. He's really gone.

Callum started to cry again. Panicking you pulled him into a hug, not wanting to see him cry again. Rayla hugged you from behind. Callum wrapped his arms around you, Rayla did the same. You all sat there for a couple minutes. Soon the three of you got up to take a walk.

Callum: When Soren said that Dad wanted us home, you knew he was lying.

Rayla: Yeah.

Callum: Unless, maybe Soren was also trying to protect our feelings.

Rayla: Oh, right. He definitely seems like a thoughtful, sensitive, feelings-y, protect-y kind of guy.

Callum: Yeah, you're right, that's not really his style.

Y/n: We shod probably leave, it's not safe here anymore.

Rayla: We need to get as far away from the as we can before they even realize we're gone.

Callum: Whoa, wait a minute. They're still my friends.

Rayla: But they lied to you.

Callum sighs.

Callum: I guess they did both lie, but we can't just leave.

Claudia: Leave?

Claudia and Soren walk from around the corner.

Callum: Yeah. I'm sorry, but we've decided. We're leaving today. This mission, taking the Dragon Prince back to Xadia, it's the most important thing we'll ever do. We can't go home with you.

Claudia: Oh.

Soren: Are you sure? I mean, your dad is gonna be really disappointed.

Callum, Rayla, and Y/n give him knowing looks. Claudia just looks mad.

Claudia: Soren, what is wrong with you?

Soren: I'm just trying to-

Claudia: Don't! Stop it, Soren.

Soren: Ugh, fine. Do what you want.

He storms off. He hits a tree next to the path and three giant Moon Moths come flapping around his face. He yells, trying to push them away. He even pulls out his sword.

Soren: Stupid moths.

Claudia: I'm sorry about him. But before you go, Callum, I have something I need to give you. In private.

Callum: Huh? Okay, then.

He seems a bit hesitant, but walks off with her anyway. You're left with Rayla.

Rayla: Lets go find Ezran and that little dragon.

Y/n: Alright.

You and Rayla walk back to the room Ezran and Callum are staying at. You tell him that you're leaving soon, so he tries to get Zym into his backpack.

Ezran: Zym, come on. You loved it in there as an egg.

He manages to get Zym into the bag.

Ezran: Rayla, Y/n, look!

You both laugh at this.

Ezran: He can't fly yet, but he should be safe in . . .

It turns out that Zym is no longer in the bag, as he looks at Ezran from the bed.

Ezran: Hey, how'd you . . .

Bait leaps up and crawls into the bag.

Ezran: Bait, you're not helping.

You laugh again as Ezran dumps Bait onto the floor. Callum walks in and grabs his backpack. He starts to pack.

Rayla: Let me guess. Once I was gone, she tried to manipulate you and convince you to go back home again.

Callum: Surprisingly, no. She seems to understand how important it is to get Zym back to Xadia.

Y/n: That is surprising.

Callum: Yeah, she says she understands it so well that she and Soren want to come with us.

Rayla: What? That is the worst possible plan.

Callum: I know, I'm really skeptical about it too.

Rayla: It's probably a trap.

Y/n: So, what are we going to do?

Rayla: I have an idea.

Callum leaves to get some more supplies. Rayla says she's going to go see Lujanne, and you stay with Ezran, helping him pack. Rayla told you to stay behind with Ezran, Zym, and Callum. She had a plan to see Soren and Claudia's true intentions, you just had to wait.

After the signal was given, all of you came to the scene, riding on Phoe-Phoe. Ezran cheered. Phoe-Phoe soared downwards to pick up Rayla who had climbed up a tree.

Soren: Claudia, they're getting away.

Claudia: No, they're not.

You head whipped around to see Claudia chanting something. You pulled out your bow and aimed it at whatever was in her hand. You watched the moon arrow materialize, and let it go. The arrow flew and knocked the thing out of Claudia's hand as she fell down from the impact. A chain came and restrained her arm that was reaching for the thing. You were too far away to hear anything, but the one hiding the chain was a man wearing dark colors. You thanked him in your head, grateful for his assistance.

Ezran: That was so cool!

Rayla: How did you do that?

Callum: Was that magic?

You giggled at all their questions.

Y/n: Lujanne taught me how to do it, but not why I could do it. I guess it is a kind of moon magic.

Rayla: Not any moon magic I've ever seen.

Y/n: One day I'll be able to answer all of your questions.

But for now, I need to answer some of my own.

Word Count-1684

*Author Note*
- Completely open to constructive criticism 💙

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