3. Dessert Named Desire

Start from the beginning

King Brennus, Queen Leda, Rieka's allies and family, Fynn, Captain Fennick, and Fynn's personal guard Pablo, all greeted each other before entering the dining room.  Once everyone was inside and seated, they feasted on a multicourse Greek meal; grilled meats, cheeses, spinach pastries, olives, pita and dips, wine, figs,  various seafood dishes and honey pistachio pastries for dessert.

"Oh god I'm so full!" Georgia exclaimed, "It's a good thing I don't live in Europe, otherwise I'd gain 100 pounds and Damian wouldn't want to look at me anymore." 

Damian huffed, "If you gained 100 pounds, there'd just be more for me to hold. Nothing could dim your beauty."  Georgia blushed and kissed him briefly. 

"The mate bond is something that is indeed special about your kind," King Carlos commented, "It seems to bond any species together in ways one would only dream about." 

"It is special, but for those of us without a mate bond in our species, it does feel different than for the wolves." Raziel replied with a smile, "We feel a deep connection, deeper than most other relationships, but unlike those with a mate bond in their blood, we don't share their physical pain, nor does it physically weaken us when our mate dies. Most wolves and lycans die shortly after their mates do because the pain of the death combined with the loss of their other half is too much for many to bear. Those that don't die often go mad, unless the goddess sees fit to provide a second chance mate."

King Carlos nodded in understanding, "Very enlightening, Archangel Raziel. Is your alpha the first wolf lover you've taken in your immortal life?" 

"No, but he is my first one that I was his mate, and the only wolf with which I bore children."

"Have you any other children besides Alpha Rieka and Alpha Jason?" Carlos asked.

"God's warriors don't discuss family outside of their current responsibilities..." Michael glowered at Carlos. Lucifer sipped his wine with a smirk on his face. 

"My apologies Archangel Raziel. I did not intend offense..." Carlos started, but Raziel smiled warmly before holding up her hand to stop him gently, "It was an honest question out of curiosity. No offense is taken. But yes. I've had other children in the past."

Rieka glanced at her mother curiously, "I always assumed you must have, but you've never brought it up so I wasn't sure. Do my half siblings still live? What manner of creature are they?"

Raziel sighed, "I will tell you all you wish to know in our own time Ri. For the sake of this conversation, I will say that most of my children no longer live. When you're immortal, you understand that the offspring you produce with mortals will die someday. It is the way of things." 

An uneasy silence fell over the table for a moment. After a few sips of wine Georgia spoke up, "Captain Fennick. You, Pablo and Fynn have been friends for a long time right? Do you or Pablo have a mate?"

Pablo grinned, "I do have a mate. We met over two years ago. His name is Nico. We just adopted a little lycan pup- Sophia. Her parents were killed a few months ago by hunters, but we're excited to give her a loving home." Pablo brought out his phone and pulled up a picture of an adorable little one year old girl, with shining brown eyes, dimples, short curly brown hair, and one tooth on top and one on bottom. 

"Awwwww she's GORGEOUS!" Georgia gushed as she zoomed in on the precious little face, "Look at those dimples on those chubby cheeks!!" 

Fennick cleared his throat nervously, "Um.. no Miss Munroe. I didn't have the privilege to find my mate." 

Fynn put his hand on his friends arm knowingly, "I believe his second chance mate is out there. we just have to find her."

Rieka gave Fynn a quizzical look, which Fynn shook his head in response- he would tell her later. Fennick sighed before standing and bowing to the king and queen, then the others, "Thank you your majesties for an excellent dinner. I am commanding first watch tonight, so I must be off to prep my men. Please excuse me and I will be here as planned tomorrow." 

After Fennick left, everyone drank and laughed for a few more minutes before splitting off to head to bed. 

Once Fynn and Rieka were alone in her room, Rieka sat down on the couch and started to unbraid her hair, "What did you mean about Fennick and a second chance mate?" 

Fynn sighed and sat next to Rieka, a somber look on his face, "Fennick's mate died a few hours before they met.  We heard reports that our people near the eastern front were having issues with rogue wolves, hunters and witches. We were making plans to investigate when we received a distress signal from a small town in Moldova near the Romanian border. We hopped on a plane within the hour, and called our ground troops in the area to go ahead and give assistance until we arrived. By the time we got there, the main battle was over. Most of the perpetrators were killed thankfully, but we sustained heavy losses.  We started to help move the bodies of the dead when Fennick found her. A beta warrior named Ana-Maria. She died saving a group of school children from being taken. Based on the stories from the children and the bodies found at the scene, she was fierce.  She killed fifteen rogues, and four high witches on her own- giving the pups time to enter the hidden escape tunnel."

"Oh gods... that's.. terrible." Rieka bowed her head,  Rayna whimpering in her mind, upset about thinking what would happen if they found Fynn dead... unable to be with him, hear his voice...

Fynn nodded, "A part of Fennick died that day. They never met in life which I believe is the only reason he's been able to move on at all. After our business was done, he took two weeks off. Shifted into his beast and stayed that way. Howling at the moon every night in mourning. We gave Ana-Maria high honors and her parents gave Fennick her dagger. Something to remember her by.  He never goes anywhere without it. Once he returned, he threw himself into his work. Taking on extra duties, filling in extra guard rotations.. anything to keep him from thinking of her. It's part of why he rose through the ranks so fast." 

Rieka nodded, "He got married to his job. I understand that. Most cops are that way too. You keep busy to prevent yourself from dealing with the shit you see everyday." 

"It's not the healthiest choice, but one I understand." Fynn replied before standing up and holding his hand out to Rieka, "Now.. come to bed my love. You have a long day tomorrow and you need sleep." 

Rieka took his hand and changed into silk pj's and Fynn stripped down to his boxers. They got in bed and Fynn pulled Rieka to him, positioning her head on his strong chest.  He gently rubbed circles in Rieka's back until her body relaxed and she fell into a deep sleep. Fynn kissed the top of her head before falling asleep himself. 


Fennick finished buttoning up his uniform and strapped on a hand gun, a few extra magazines  of silver coated wood bullets (good for vamps or wolves), and strapped an ornate gold and leather dagger with a silver tipped steel blade in a leather sheath in his boot, covering it with his pants leg. 

A step was heard by the window and quick as lightning, Fennick pointed his gun to the figure now standing by the open window, "You shouldn't be here."

"Come now Captain, that's definitely not how you treat a lady." Catlia cooed as she stepped forward into the light. Her sleek body in a black and dark purple bodysuit and black lace up combat boots gave her a sexy spy vibe. 

Fennick lowered his gun, "What do you want?"

Catlia swayed her hips seductively as she gracefully walked toward him and sat on his bed, "Oh my dear captain... I want so many things... but for now, a trade of information will do nicely.  And afterwards, if you want a little stress release...well, I'm not one to shy away from a little tumble in the sheets before a shift." 

Fennick growled and his eyes grew dark with lust as Catlia licked her perfect plump lips and trailed her fingers down his abdomen. She then hooked them in his belt loops and pulled Fennick closer before unzipping his pants and reaching in to grab his now hardened cock and bringing it to her lips while teasing and stroking its full length.

"That's it... Now, be a good boy and tell me everything I want to know, and I'll fulfill every... little... desire..."

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