“Your name, Jack?” He sighs.

     “My name is Jack, you just said it…” He faces the class and rolls his eyes, pointing at Mr. Donaldson. The class laughs even more and I roll my eyes.

     “Your last name, Jack.” Mr. Donaldson deadpans.

     “Well, why didn’t you say so? Taylor.” Jack says.

     “Your seat is row three, seat two.” I watch as Jack mentally counts and I try to cover my face, but he sees me and gives me an evil smirk.

     “Well hello, Taylor.” He drops his bag onto the ground and slips into his seat. He was kind of sweaty and his hair was messy. He grabs my water bottle and takes a swig.

     “Hey!” I whisper yell and snatch the bottle from him.

     “What? I was thirsty.” He shrugs nonchalantly.

     “You gave me your germs,” I glare at him.

     He leans in real close and grabs my chin and I could feel my heartbeat picking up, “Not really.”

     “Mr. and Miss Taylors, would you please get to work on the review package,” Mr. Donaldson interrupts, “And please continue your business after class.”

     I flush into a dark shade of red and immediately push Jack away from me and open the review package that was placed on my desk without notice, and got to work.

     “Aislynn,” Jack whispers, “Hey, Aislynnnnnnnnn.” He drags out the n. He knew I hate it when people other than adults call me by my full name.

     “What?!” I whisper snap at him.

    He sticks his hand on top of my work, “Can you pass me a pencil?”

     “Why don’t you have your own?”

     “So I could borrow yours.”

     “Are you serious, is this a pick up line or something?” I slam a pencil into his outstretched hand and he closes his hand around mine.

     “Thanks, Aislynn.” He whispers into my right ear and it sends shivers down my back.

     “Don’t call me that.” I mutter to no one in particular really. When I look at him, he was focused on his work so I quickly turn back to my own. What was that? I look at my hand; it felt hot where he held it. I blush at the thought of anyone watching us.

     When I finish, I decide to look out the window again. I just love watching what’s happening outside and doing nothing else because it seems serene. There were some people outside, probably either ditching or they have a spare period or something. I watch the clouds travel slowly along the blue sky, the wind blowing through the trees and blades of grass, two squirrels chasing each other and –

     I yelp and jump in my seat when someone pokes my side. The whole class and the teacher look up at me.

     “Is something the matter?” Mr. Donald looks at me with concern.

     “No, sorry I uh, thought I saw a, spider?” I say and some of the girls in my class start to shriek.

     “No! It’s okay! It went out the window…” I quickly made up.

     “Alright, alright, everybody get back to work.” Mr. Donaldson instructs and looks at me like I was a bit wacked before looking back down on his laptop and everybody resumes their work too.

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