
Songs were blasting out of the speakers , i LOVED their apartment , emphasis on LOVED . All the apartments in their buildings were soundproof . No noise ever goes out .

We were actually doing karaoke , HYPE BOY BY NEW JEANS WAS BLASTING and she sang along with so much happiness .

"'Cause I know what you like boy (ah-ah)
You're my chemical hype boy (ah-ah)
내 지난날들은 눈 뜨면 잊는 꿈
Hype boy 너만 원해
Hype boy 내가 전해
And we can go hi-i-i-i-i-igh
말해봐 yeah 느껴봐 mm-mm
Take him to the skyy . You know I hype you boyyy"

From the enthusiastic singing she suddenly started coughing , my first instinct was to pull her down to sit on the couch and then run to the kitchen and get her a glass of water .

I ran back to her to see her dropped down on the ground and coughing so badly , I ran to her , kept the glass of water on the coffee table , I sat down on the ground and lifted her enough to rest her head on my chest . I rubbed her back as I handed her the glass of water "Y/N easy okay? Try to calm down and have the water" I said as I brought the glass closer to her lips , she closed her fingers around the glass , and slowly started to drink the water . My hands kept rubbing her back in case she chokes .

Her cough slowed down , she cleared her throat and opened her eyes , they were red and teary , I rubbed her eyes and cupped her face "Should I get the medicine ?" I asked but she shook her head .

"What happened? You never cough out of nowhere and that too this badly" I exclaimed but she just stared at me , but then the next thing I know she is curled up like a ball in my lap .

"It's like the nightmares jungkook . They come out of nowhere , and I choke , and I start coughing" I didn't hear any sniffles so she's not crying .

"For how long has this been happening ?"

"I don't know , a week i guess ?"

"And you decided to tell me this now ?" she looks up at me innocently , and pouts as she clutches on my tshirt .

"It's just that you've had a long week , and you didn't have time to talk so i ju-"

"I always have time for you" the words rolled off my tongue but i didn't regret saying them cause i did mean them . she just looked at me and smiled .

"Have you not slept well? i mean did you even sleep for some hours ?" i asked but she chuckled nervously "Haha i have not slept for a week straight" her eyes drifted away from mine as her lips formed a straight line .

"A week? Y/N...i get that you have chronic insomnia , but even in that condition a person is able to fall asleep , even if its for some hours . Here you haven't slept for a fucking week . What do you do at night ?"

"I...I do try you know , but this past one week i couldn't , i was mostly stressed because of the upcoming collection , and i had a lot of work so when i couldn't sleep i would just complete my work , hoping that would lead me to sleep but it didn't work" she exclaimed and i pinched my nose .

'It's no use scolding her , it's not her fault'

I decided to drop the topic and ask her something else .

"Tell me about these things you're having"

"They...they are like flashes from the nightmares , the same thing , the same night" i saw her shiver so i decided not to push the topic any further .

"Let's get you to bed" i said picking her up but she stopped me "I . AM . NOT . GOING . TO . FUCKING . SLEEP . Come on , I don't remember after how long we got a day off , i wanna enjoy today" she huffed and i ruffled her hair "Just rest for a while y/n , i wont be able to enjoy if i know you can start having those flashes . Just for an hour or two , i will wake you up before lunch" i said and she ended up denying again but then i did eventually make her listen and get to bed .


"I won't be able to sleep so i don't get the point of this" i pulled the blanket over her .

"I'll make you sleep" i said and then did a thing she wouldn't think of...

I got under the blankets with her , i pulled her closer and made her head rest on my chest as her hands went around my waist . My one hand was on her head and the other one around her shoulders .

I knew what to do . I just had to sing Still With You . 

"That faint voice of yours that grazed me . Please call my name one more time I'm standing under the frozen light, but I'll walk step by step towards you , Still with you

 With no light in the darkroom I shouldn't get used to it But I'm used to it again . The low-pitched sound of this air conditioner If I don't have this, I will fall apart 

We laugh together, we cry together I guess these simple feelings were everything to me When will it be? If I face you again I will look into your eyes And say I missed you

 In a rapturous memory It's raining when I dance alone By the time this mist clears I'll be running with my feet wet Give me a hug then 

 That moon looks lonely Feels like it's crying in the bright night sky 

Even though I knew it was going to be morning one day I wanted to stay in your sky like a star

 Every day, every moment If I had known this was gonna happen I would have kept more .  When will it be? 

If I face you again I will look into your eyes And say I missed you In a rapturous memory

 It's raining when I dance alone By the time this mist clears I'll be running with my feet wet

 Hold me back then Behind the faint smile that looked at me I'm going to draw a beautiful purple

 We may not be on the same page But I want to walk this path with you . Still with you" 

I didn't know she would fall asleep if i sang the english version , i just wanted her views on it but she slept . 

"If it made you sleep , it might be good" i said as i rested my cheek against her head and drifted to sleep with her


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