Chapter Eleven: Intruder

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A SHRILL BELL RANG, AND NORAH looked at Nazeera, who sighed, "I'm not complaining, I'm really not. It's just that we wasted time here, so we gotta meet outside after school. And I haaate doing school work after school," she said, hanging her head back. "It's okay, we'll start our Marvel marathon after that soo," Norah said, smiling slightly as she packed her bags up. It was the last period, so Norah headed for the lockers, stashing all her books in it.

Someone set their hands on her shoulders, "There's my favourite sibling!" Jules said, hitting her shoulder roughly. Norah nursed her shoulder and shoved him back. Her brother's friend Tom smiled at their interaction, "Isn't she your only sibling? You can't have favourites if she's your only sister, bro," Tom joked, chuckling. "Anyway, gotta go, byeee." Tom said, turning away and walking out, not noticing the smiles slip off the siblings' faces.

Julian's face was ashen, his eyes brimming up. He blinked to get rid of the tears, "He wasn't being cruel, he doesn't know about Noah and Hazel," he said, his voice rough as he ran a hand through his hair. "Come here," Norah said with an almost sob, holding her arms out.

Jules fell into her embrace, burying his head into her shoulder, his entire frame shaking. Norah held him tightly, setting her forehead on his curls to hide the treacherous tears. She sensed tears on the fabric of her shoulder. Oh, Jules.

She didn't blame him for crying. That single sentence seemed to bring their worst tragedies to the surface.

Once, there was a family of six with four siblings. Now, it was a family of three with two siblings. Norah went from being the second-youngest sibling to the eldest sibling. Her twin brother, Noah, was older than her by two minutes.

Hazel died on Jules' birthday. Their father left on the day his daughter died. Jules took it hard on himself, blaming himself for asking for a gift. Noah died. Norah felt guilty about the car accident even though it wasn't her fault. That one statement seemed to make them relive their losses all over again. Isn't she your only sibling? You can't have favourites if she's your only sister.

"I don't want to lose you, Rory," Her brother said, squeezing her bicep tightly. His frame stopped shaking, he was frighteningly still. Norah wiped the tears off and tilted her brother's face up, wiping his tears off and ruffling his hair. "I'm not going anywhere, Jules."

He hugged her again, "I can't lose you. With all this book club madness unleashed... I can't. If... if something happens to you, I don't think I'll... I'd rather die than see you hurt. That day, Norah... I didn't realise you were calling me. You were trapped in that room while I was laughing with my friends. If something happened to you that day..."

"Did anything happen?" Norah asked sternly. His throat bobbed, "No, but..."

"No, buts. I got out, and I was fine. And don't worry, Jules, nothing will happen to me. I'll not die because of this book club thing, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I assure you, I will stick here forever, and you'll get sick of me."

Julian pulled back, shaking his head. "Never." Norah released a choked laugh, tossing him her car keys. "Go start the car. I'll say bye to my friends and come."

She turned around, surprised to find Jace leaning against the locker with a worried look on his face, Emma standing behind him. They heard most of the conversation.

"You come here," Jace said, giving her a huge bear hug. "I went from being the second youngest to the eldest, Jace," Norah said, her voice shaky. He patted her back. Jace gave the best hugs. Emma took Norah's hand and squeezed it with a sad but comforting smile, astonishing Norah. Emma never let her emotions onto her face, except for anger, rage, disappointment and disgust. But Emma occasionally surprised Norah like this.

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