Chapter Nineteen: Falling

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AUSTIN WOKE UP WITH A FEELING OF TERROR and a metallic taste of fear in his mouth. It wasn't a nightmare. He slept well, and he couldn't even remember his dreams. But the moment he opened his eyes, he had this terrible, sinking feeling that this illusion all of them had created for a sense of safety- the illusion that everything was alright- would be broken soon.

His heart was beating rapidly as he took shallow breaths through his nose. Shut up, Austin, he told himself, rubbing a weary hand down his face. When will this madness end? He asked himself, tired of everything. Everything's already done, but this shit is still here.

He really did feel something terrible was going to go down today. He looked around for his dog and found Bruno sitting by the bed, his eyes watchful. Bruno usually slept with him on his bed. The only times Bruno was fully awake, alert and watchful near the door was when he sensed his owner's discomfort and negative feelings. Austin must've been tossing and turning on the sheets, and Bruno must've immediately got down to guard any invisible threat. But little did his dog know that his thoughts were the only things that needed any fighting.

He sat up, massaging his throbbing head. This terrible feeling had been following him since yesterday, since the moment Norah and Manny went missing. Some of that feeling had eased on the bike ride- it cleared his mind. But the moment he got off the bike, he was so reluctant to let her go, so worried that something might happen because of those dark, nagging feelings that darkened everything it touched. And right now, that feeling amplified.

But it was different from yesterday- yesterday, he felt as though something wrong would happen. But now, it feels as if the terrible thing has already happened, leaving open brackets for other terrible things. Bruno was now watching him with wide eyes, trotting towards him as Austin beckoned him. Austin sighed heavily, hugging his dog to himself and closing his eyes, trying to get rid of this nagging, heavy feeling. Bruno settled himself on Austin, setting his paws on his chest as he licked Austin's face comfortingly.

Austin sighed again, shutting his eyes tightly, letting the feeling of peace wash over him, wash over the negative, overpowering thoughts.

Loud, urgent footsteps neared his room, and three loud bangs appeared before the door was thrown open. Sabrina walked inside with tears in her eyes. "Why weren't you picking up the phone?" she asked in a frail, shaky voice, the heartbroken expression on her face paining him.

"Brina?" He hopped out of the bed and rushed towards his best friend to hug her tightly. He just knew that something appalling had happened just by how she looked- red eyes indicating she'd cried a lot, puffy cheeks, pale skin, shaking hands and trembling frame. But even as Austin pulled her close to him, he wondered if she had a huge fight with her parents regarding her sexuality or a bad breakup with her girlfriend, his mind working hard to make up any excuses for her tears, anything that didn't involve the word murder.

His heart ached for his best friend as she cried her heart out, each sob accompanying a shiver in her body. He didn't want to see his cheery, happy-go-lucky sarcastic and strong best friend like this. Ever. It hurt him to see her like that.

"Sabrina, you're scaring me. What's wrong?"

"Callisto..." Sabrina choked on a sob and a hiccup, and Austin's world stopped. "No," he whispered, his mouth forming a big O and his eyes going wide and desperate. Bruno seemed to sense the upcoming emotional devastation Austin would face, and started pawing Austin. But Austin was numb to it all, feeling as if he were about to fall off a cliff, only being tethered by a feeble, weak thread. The word Sabrina would tell next would decide his destiny- if the feeble weak thread would hold up or not, if Austin would go down or not.

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