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My phone rang the caller ID display Her Highness.

"Mom...." I pouted laying lazily on my back on the couch.

"Darling, what's wrong? Why do you sound troubled? Mom asked worriedly.

"Did you eat dinner already, it’s nine now?"

"How was the interview, you didn't pick up my calls since morning."

"Did you remember to leave the best first and last impression?"

"Say something Ereny, you are scaring me. Are you being kidnapped right now, why are you so quiet...?" She rumbles.

How can I say something when you are showering me with questions My Queen..?

"How can I say something while you drop the bombshell of questions on your poor exhausted daughter...?" I spoke chuckling softly getting up and strolling lazily to the kitchen fridge, and I heard her sigh loudly.

"Yes, I already eat at Stella's before coming home. The interview was pretty fine, I guess. And yes, I remembered to leave the best first and but am not sure about the last impression. But seriously, I can tell that Boss is already hating my gut." I told her frankly while pouting to the hating part, picking up the digestive biscuits from the fridge and closing.

"Hate you, how? He doesn't even know you that..." I can sense confusion in her voice.

"Trust me, Momma, I've no idea. But don't worry I already start looking for other jobs since I came back from Stella's this night."  I told her because otherwise, she won't stop worrying. Tearing up, pop one of them into my mouth.

"Sweetheart don't worry. If he didn't see the potential you have, believe, others will. I have faith in your honey, you're a hardworking, optimistic, and ambitious young lady." She encouraged.

I can sense the twinkling of her eyes.

"Hmmm." I hummed in happiness.

Chewing slowly trying not to get caught otherwise I'll end up being lectured to eat healthy food and not snacks.

Damn, I do love this Woman.

"How's your part-time at Stella's dinette?" She asked softly.

She doesn't want to admit it openly sometimes, but she hates the fact that am working as an assistant manager and as a waitress at the same time at Stella's. She's worrying that I face rude attitudes and bad treatment from customers because people differ, and you can't be treated nicely all the time. But she still supports me and reminds me to take care of myself every day.

"Pretty fine Ma, I already told Miss Stella that when I got the permanent job I'll quit, and she already start looking for my replacement," I assured her as sitting comfortably on the couch.

"I hope you'll get your dream job soon, I loathe... I mean am not fancy of ...." I heard her sigh.

"I know Ma, hoping soon Mom, just say hi to Dad and Melodia. I love you, but I've to take care of a few things. I'll talk to you guys soon" I told her avoiding being interrogated more about my interview but also am kind of stressed due to my overthinking habit.

"Okay, and make sure to rest just don't overstressed yourself... And if that shabby apartment of yours..."

"Ma..." I warned throwing a sweet thing to the table.

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