"He is a ruthless prince, mother!" Juvia cried, exasperated. "He is ruthless, cruel and discriminates people - just like his father!"

"Juvia! You will not speak of the king that way!"

Juvia huffed and crossed her arms across her chest. "I would rather marry and poor, old man than marry that prince."

"ENOUGH!" The queen yelled. "Go to your room, right this instant! You will be married - whether you agree or not!"

Juvia cursed under her breath and ran to her room, wondering how on earth she would escape this fortress.


Gray entered his chamber and shut the door behind him, not seeing his visitor.

"Why did he call you?"

Gray looked up, startled. There, sitting on his bed was his one and only friend, Jellal. He was the royal advisor and spent a lot of time with the king. This meant that he knew what Gray was going through and had been an emotional support. Without him, Gray would have committed suicide.

"Jellal." Gray sighed. "You startled me. When did you get in- HOW did you get in?"

"Kinana was cleaning the room when I arrived." Kinana was a maid working in the castle, she knew about Gray and kept it a secret. Gray and Kinana weren't close or friends, but they appreciated each others presence. "She let me in. Now, answer my question. Why did he call you?"

Gray looked over at Jellal, wondering if he should lie or not. Jellal had that look on his face, the look that said 'I'm not going without an answer'. Gray sighed.

"I'm getting married."

Jellal stared, unblinking.


No answer.


He blinked. His dark green eyes slowly started to cloud over as he processed his information.

"Oh." Was all he said.

"Oh?"Gray looked at him in disbelief. "That's all you have to say?"

"Well, it's not like I can say anything else." He shrugged. "And, I can't exactly make a difference."

"Gee," Gray rolled his eyes. "You are such a great friend."

"What do you want me to do?" Jellal asked. "Fight the king? Find a powerful fairy to help you? Research about a long lost princess who's locked in a tower guarded by a dragon?"

Gray's face dropped visible at the 'long lost princess' part. Jellal noticed it too.

"Sorry Gray." He said sympathetically. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's ok."

There was a brief moment of silence.

"I'm going to meet father and let him know that I want to meet the princess. I mean, if we're getting married, then, we might as well get to know each other."

Jellal smiled, but it was a sad smile, one filled with remorse for leaving his friend alone.

As Gray left the room, Jellal called out: "Be safe."

And, thus, with a smile on his lips, he headed towards his father's chamber.


Juvia smiled to herself. Her plan was complete. She would head up over the river towards the kingdom of Purity. She would hide herself, until the prince got married to someone else. She would wait, live with the peasants and hopefully, find a handsome man.

She collapsed onto her bed.

'I'll show mother what I'm capable of. I'll leave this kingdom and live in another. I won't marry the cruel prince - I bet he looks ugly - and I'll marry the man I love. My plan is perfect and I shall leave tonight.'

Thus, with a smile on her lips, she fell asleep.



Lucy perked up, hearing the voice of her other visitor. She ran up to the magical lacrima.


Rogue smiled, his red eyes bursting into life. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." She paused. "I wish Papa was here though."

"He's a king!" Rogue looked right at her. "He has so much to do."

Lucy grumbled in response. "How's Gray?"

"Prince Gray?" Rogue's eyes flickered, as if he was debating whether to tell her or not.

"He's getting married." Rogue said finally.

"What?" Lucy shrieked. "Without my permission? How dare he?!"

Rogue laughed.

"To who?" Lucy asked, once she calmed down.

"Princess Juvia of Ishgar."

Lucy felt her heart beat race. A princess? Gray would marry a princess?

"A marriage of convenience?" She hissed, surprising herself.


"I beg your pardon?"


Lucy gasped and threw the lacrima to the ground. She couldn't believe her father forced Gray to marry a princess. A marriage of convenience? Her father always told her he would choose who she had to marry but she had a choice in it too. What about Gray?

"Oh Gray..." Lucy whispered. "I'm coming."


Hey minna,

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