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I need to let you go.
We've served each other well.
One more drink to the buoy and the sea.
You kept me from sinking,
Your high was my swell.
I made you what you wanted to be.

My words could not define
The way you made me ache.
But the nights laid bare my weakness.
Under the pinhole stars
You made me quake.
And the rubble hid me in its obliqueness.

I couldn't say it.
You shined too bright,
But I admired you like a fire.
I didn't want to tell you
I loved you.
And now I'm a broken-hearted liar.

I'm not the first
And I won't be the last
To fall prey to the ice of pride.
I'll think of your hands
As they carved me
And the hips you implored I bestride.

It breaks me, it's true.
My chest is compressed.
The colors of your voice, a squall.
They mix in my brain
Weaved from the skein
Of the wreckage that did befall.

But I'll never cry.
I'll make myself believe
That I made the choice before you could.
That somehow it's better
To be the leaver
Than the one who never would.

It's bittersweet
As the tide recedes.
The waves have a crimson affect.
I'll swallow my regret
And walk away
Before you can see that I've been wrecked.

On the shore of the evening
When the sun goes down
And all the good shells have been panned.
The pieces of
my broken glass heart
Will make their way back into sand.

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