"Either he has his own portal or he had help." After saying that Angel questioned me with a worried look on his face

"What are ya gonna do?"

"I've dealt with people like Valentino before, but he's worse. If he figured out that Simone and me are the name person then this proves that he never got over me after all these decades and maybe become worse now that he's in hell? Though considering things I think hell might be TOO good for him." Where my words to Angel and I knew he agreed with me from the look he was giving me so he decided to change the subject.

"So ah...hows the powers treating ya anyway?"

"I need to keep better control of my emotions, it seems if I'm in serious stress. A lot of stuff starts breaking, I'm happy I didn't shatter all the windows and mirrors in my office building." Me saying that intrigued Angel as the two of us walked out of my room and down the hallway

"Really that strong? Can't imagine what would happen if you where in serious fear?" I was worried about that also but didn't want to think about it, I wanted to do some more exploring in hell and thanks to my shape shifting powers I can blend in when I need too. Another thing I wanted to do while I was in hell was spending some time with Lucifer and I knew he wanted to do the same with me, however at the same time I did want to spend time with Charlie and getting to know my sister better. It had been around close to two hundred years since I had a sibling and kind of missed it, coming back down Charlie was telling me some more ideas for the hotel. I wanted to help out in some way with Charlie's idea I knew that it wouldn't be possible to fully rehabilitate a demon but I had a feeling that some can be better than they want to be, then an idea came to mind.

"Charlie? Would you mind if I make a suggestion to help promote the hotel in some way?"Charlie and Vaggie where curious to my idea and mentioning that I wanted to sing Charlie was on board as was everyone else, I did change my attire for the video I had decided to wear one of my brand new designs that I hadn't realized yet along with doing my hair and makeup in the vintage style.

"Fuck, Hela you look stunning

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"Fuck, Hela you look stunning." Angel said that with a surprised look on his face as did everyone they saw in my design

"Thanks this is one of my tester designs for hell, I'm gonna see how this turns out."

"A tester, what your wearing is a fucking masterpiece." The one that said that was Vaggie getting a closer look at my dress and being in aw of it, my version of a music video took place on the top of the building where you can see the sign. The one that was filming was Husher since he could fly and the rest where watching from the live feed the second I started singing and with Alastor's help he managed to put in the type of music I needed.

" ♪ La-la-la..La-la-la, la-la.....Gales of song, guide me through the storm.♪" There was a short pause for a moment I noticed the almost stunned look on Husker's face before I continued singing little did I know that Husker wasn't thee only one hearing my singing, because of Alastor being the radio demon he managed to broadcast my song threw out hell to those that had radios. It wasn't just radio's but my voice was able to be heard threw-out a twenty mile radius that surprised a lot of demons and sinners that heard.

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