Chapter 9

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Shauna freed Dudley and helped him out of the junk.

"Good girl, Shauna!" said Lisa.

"Dudley, are you alright, laddy?" said Newton.

"I'm fine" said Dudley.

"Guys, none of this would have happened if I'd let you get rid of all my ridiculous junk. I'm ready to throw it all away now" said Gerard.

"Even the Russian nesting dolls?" Newton sassed with his arms crossed.

"My little babushkas? Have you no soul?" said Gerard.

"Shauna, honey... I's really sorry I treated you like a dog, but I couldn't get you to listen any other way. Without discipline, people end up out of control" said Lisa.

As she said "Like..." she pointed right at Gerard.

"Hey!" said Gerard.

"Okay, Momma. I promise to clean up my act. I don't wanna end up like Pops" said Shauna.

"I'm right here!" said Gerard.

That night, his room was completely cleared up and looking spiffy.

Without all the junk, the window was visible and traceable.

"Ta-da!" said Lisa when she showed it to him.

"From garbage pile to living in style" said Newton.

"Wow! This is amazing. And look I do have a window! Oh, thanks, guys" said Gerard.

"Mr Gerard, we mounted your feather duster collection" said Dudley.

"Wow! My precision grip hawk tail 3000. It never looked so good" said Gerard.

"So, Gerry, have we agreed that you's gonna stop hoarding junk and start living like this?" said Lisa.

"Yes. Believe me, I've learned my lesson. I'm a changed man" said Gerard.

"Oh really? What's that in your pocket?" said Newton.

He reached in and pulled out the glass eyeballs from before.

"You kept your eyeballs? Shame on you!" Dudley gasped.

"But they were my mothers!" said Gerard.

He tried to take the eyeballs back, but Penelope and Shauna stopped him with the super squirter. 

"I wouldn't" said Shauna.

"Back away from the eyeballs" said Penelope.

Texas Guys ep. 10- "From a Window"Where stories live. Discover now