Chapter 1

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On a lovely Friday morning, Gerard was serving French toast for breakfast.

"Where's Penelope? She never misses French toast Friday" he said.

"I dunno" said Dudley.

"I don't either" said Newton.

"Mr Gerard, could we please have some powdered sugar?" said Dudley innocently.

"Sure" said Gerard.

But when he opened the cabinet, there was Penelope holding a water pistol.

"Hasta la vista, daddy boy!" she shouted.

She squirted fruit punch at her father and then went to the table.

"Juice?" she offered.

"Yes please" said Newton.

"Thank you" said Dudley.

Penelope squirted some juice into two glasses with the water pistol.

"Very funny! Your super squirter's been terminated" said Gerard snatching the pistol from Penelope.

"Hey! You can't do that!" Penelope shouted.

Gerard pointed the pistol at her and she put her hands up. "I guess you can".

As Gerard stomped out of the kitchen, Lisa strutted in.

"Penelope, what's wrong with your father? And why does he smell like fruit salad?" she said.

Then she found Shauna sleeping at the table instead of eating breakfast.

"Shauna honey, wake up!" said Lisa.

She tapped her daughter's shoulder and she woke up.

"Why is you so tired? I told you to go to bed at nine last night" said Lisa.

"And by nine thirty, she was in her bedroom making more balloon frogs" said Dudley.

"Hey! No one likes a snitch, Leicester" said Shauna.

"Except for your momma. Thanks for the intel, Dudley" said Lisa.

Texas Guys ep. 10- "From a Window"Where stories live. Discover now