Chapter 5

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Later that day, Lisa met Maya in the park again.

"Hey!" said Lisa.

"Hello, Lisa! How'd things go?"

"Heaven's sake, your advice changed my life! I put my foot down and Shauna actually listened to me" said Lisa.

"Excellent! I knew there was a pit bull behind that cutesy poodle exterior. And the park is a great reward for good behavior. Elva loves it. You wanna meet her?" said Maya.

"Love to" said Lisa.

"Good. I must warn you though. She's a big licker" said Maya.

"How... nice for you?" said Lisa.

Maya whistled and a large dog ran over.

"Lisa, meet Elva" said Maya.

"That's Elva? Uh-oh..." said Lisa to herself.

"Elva's a dog? I thought you was a momma" said Lisa.

"I am. A dog momma" said Maya.

"A dog momma? Is that even a thing?" said Lisa.

"I was brought up in New York. In New York, thousand dollar pizza is a thing" said Maya.

"But I used dog training techniques on a teenage girl! And what the heck is on that pizza?" said Lisa.

"Shauna's a person? From the way you talked about her, I could have sworn she was a hyperactive labradoodle" said Maya.

"Well, she ain't!" said Lisa.

The next day at home, Gerard wasn't in the kitchen while the others were having breakfast.

"I can't believe Gerard's still in bed" said Lisa.

"I can't believe he could find his bed" Dudley whispered.

Newton and Penelope joined his stifled laughter and Lisa sensed something was up.

"Alright! What have you punks been up to?" she said.

"Nothing!" the three shouted together.

"Penelope... don't make me use my guilt look on you" said Lisa.

"Dudley, Newton, shield your eyes. She'll make you sing like Maria Callas" Penelope warned.

Gerard burst into the kitchen in his pajamas looking indignant and holding his badger statue.

"Who broke into my room and touched my badger?!" he shouted.

Newton, Dudley and Penelope all had guilty looks on their faces.

"I can't believe you would all violate my privacy like that and leave such a mess!" said Gerard.

"We left a mess? A mess that big had to be made before even Dudley and I were born" said Newton.

"But props for the giant dust bunny that looks like Julie Andrews" said Penelope.

"Guys! Breakin' into Pops's room is wrong! He deserves his privacy" said Shauna.

"Thank you, Shauna" said Gerard.

"He has a Peruvian mummy and a big jar of glass eyeballs" said Penelope.

"This I gotta see!" said Shauna running out of the kitchen.

Texas Guys ep. 10- "From a Window"Where stories live. Discover now