Chapter 8

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"My whole life just flashed before my eyes. Most of it was pageants and throwing out my homework. I gotta get out more" said Penelope.

"My life flashed before my eyes too. And that's because my shelf of photo albums fell on top of me" said Gerard.

"Wait! Where's Dudley?" said Newton with worry.

"I don't see him" said Penelope.

"Dudley! Are you still in there?" Gerard called.

"God? Is that you? Is it my time?" Dudley cried from inside the junk cave.

"No, it's Gerard! You're not dead!" 

"Oh. So I have to keep cleaning? Is death still an option?"

"Dudley, can you get to the door?" said Newton.

Dudley tried to move, but he couldn't. It hurt to move his arm.

"No. I'm trapped. My arm is stuck under Gerard's giant lint boulder!" he said.

"Oh come on! It can't be that heavy" said Penelope.

"On the contrary, Miss Penelope. It's very dense. It seems to have a solid core of petrified socks" said Dudley disgustedly.

"I'll go get Miss Lisa. She should be able to help" said Newton.

"Please hurry, Newton! The junk is closing in!" Dudley cried.

"Don't worry! Help is on the way" said Penelope.

Newton brought Lisa to the scene and she was surprised at the mess.

"Oh for goodness sake! First I turn Shauna into a rabid Rottweiler and now Dudley got himself buried in a giant landslide of junk!" said Lisa.

"Miss Lisa! Get me out of here!" said Dudley.

"I's here, Dudley hon. Can you hear me?" said Lisa.

"Yes! But I'm starving. Please get me out" Dudley sobbed.

Shauna sprinted upstairs and found her mother.

"Muzzle it, Shauna! I know you's mad at me, but your friend is stuck under a giant ball of lint!" said Lisa.

Shauna started barking more politely at Penelope.

"What's that, girl? You think you can find Dudley? And you think you can fit through that hole? Awesome! Go get him!" said Penelope.

Shauna crawled through the junk to rescue Dudley.

"I didn't know you spoke canine" said Newton to Penelope.

"I've been practicing in case I get a puppy for Christmas. Hint, hint" said Penelope.

Texas Guys ep. 10- "From a Window"Where stories live. Discover now