Chapter 3

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Lisa was in the park trying to come up with a good punishment.

"Shauna, if you don't stop bein' so disobedient, I'mma... take away all your balloons!" she practiced.

Then she sighed and said "Ugh! I wouldn't listen to me either".

Another woman saw her and said "Okay, you're talking to yourself, so you're either an actress or crazy".

"I's actually practicing bein' more threatening. I has a wild one at home" said Lisa.

"Oh, I've been there. May I sit?" said the woman.

"Sure thing. I's Lisa"

"I'm Maya"

"So you's been there?"

"Yes. With my Elva, it's all about attitude. You have to be the one in charge and say it like you mean it!" said Maya.

"But my Shauna just won't listen. The more I discipline her, the less she listens" said Lisa.

"Oh, you poor thing. Do you want some advice? Just reward good behavior and punish bad" said Maya.

"That is helpful" said Lisa.

"Good. Now do as I say and this Shauna will be eating out of your hand" said Maya.

Lisa took the advice and used it when she found Shauna not doing her homework.

"Shauna. I told you to start your homework" said Lisa.

"It's Saturday. Homework is a Sunday problem" said Shauna.

"In the meantime... who wants a brownie?" said Lisa.

"I do! Shauna does!" 

"Hmm. If you do an algebra problem, you will get a brownie"


Shauna did a problem and was rewarded a brownie.

"Good girl, Shauna! Now keep going" said Lisa.

Texas Guys ep. 10- "From a Window"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora