"Don't eavesdrop on adult conversations and you guys like those wraps."Nathan scolded her.

I took the pitcher from her and refilled it adding some ice cubes.

"Yes for like the first two times then they become boring."Ivy retorted.

Nathan looked offended while I just chuckled at their interaction.

"I won't leave you at his mercy sweetheart, no wraps today."I assured her.

"Thanks Savannah."Ivy smiled gratefully taking the pitcher from me and walking out of the kitchen.

"I'll get them pizza or something, enjoy your day."Nathan asserted.

"Okay."I agreed even if I'd already started making plans on what to make for lunch.

"Good now if you'll excuse me, I'll go see which of my kids actually likes my wraps."He scoffed making me chuckle.

I watched him walk out of the kitchen laughing at how comical he could be. I finished cleaning up and joined the guys outside for breakfast.

"You're not dressed for church."Atlan commented.

"I know but neither are you."I retorted serving myself some breakfast.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"Atlan defended.

"It's what you wear everyday fool."Jordan replied.

"I'll have you know that the good Lord will not look at my outsides but my insides."Atlan defended.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that."Raul scoffed.

"Why are you ganging up on me? This conversation was between Savannah and I."Atlan screeched.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist Atlan, I do believe in God but I'm not bound to a single religion. I understand why people go to church but that just ain't for me. I would go but I do not see the sense in it when I can worship my God everywhere since he is omnipresent."I explained.

"I respect that."Raul commented.

"You're a devout Catholic Raul."Austin replied.

"Yes, and?"Raul challenged.

I didn't like the look in their eyes and I knew that faith was a controversial topic so I needed to end that discussion quickly.

"As long as we all worship our God in the way we believe is right without causing others harm then we should all respect each others faith. Now enough talk about that, today is my day off, can you boys suggest something fun for me to do."I asked them.

That question immediately changed their attitude as they started giving me ideas of what to do.

I was definitely not going skinny dipping at the lake, not that I knew where it was anyway or shooting cans at the canyon.

"I think I'm looking for something more lowkey."I asked them when their suggestions became extremely outrageous.

"You can go into town and explore. It's a small town but we have a mall, couple of shops and places you can try out."Travis suggested.

"That sounds good, I did see some places I'd like to visit, thanks Travis."I appreciated him making the rest groan when I rejected their suggestions.

We moved to other topics thankfully until breakfast was done. Everyone dispatched to go do what they usually did on Sundays while I started clearing the table.

I ran into the Lancaster's on their way out as I was walking back outside for the rest of the dirty dishes.

"Savannah!"Clara squealed wrapping her legs around mine.

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