Home for eight years

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Iris's eyes went wide as all the food appeared on the table and her hair went white "Oh my merlin! look at all this food!!" Gideon looked at her with amusment and shook his head. "Well it looks like you were put in the right house." he jested with her, nudging her with her shoulder. She rolled her eyes at him and started to fill her plate conversing with the twins and Annabeth through out the feast. Once it had ended before everyone left the great hall iris got up and ran over to Remus and gave him a big hug, a few strands of her hair turning blue. "I'm gonna miss you RJ. I'm sorry." Remus just gave her a soft smile and hugged her back tightly. "Don't be rainbow. There's nothing you did wrong. besides. You think just cause your in a different house you can get rid of me? No can do your majesty. You're stuck with me." He ruffled her hair a little and the blue was replaced with gold as she laughed. "Iris!" A female voice called out and she looked behind her to see Annabeth waving her down as the rest of their house was guided along with the Slytherins out the great hall. Spinning around she kissed Remus' cheek "Goodnight brother! Have fun! but not to much!! I'll see you in the morning!" She spun back around and ran after her house calling over her shoulder, "Night James!!" before running out the great hall.

Running out into the hallway she quickly caught up to her house where Annabelle and the twins were lingering in the back a little ways waiting for her to catch up. Once she did the twins slung their arms around her shoulders as they walked joking and talking with her as the sound of other students chatting filled the hall. Suddenly a gruff male's voice spoke above the crowd.

"Alright people listen up!"

The hallway quieted down as the group came to a stop, and looked to the front of the students. A young woman with bobbed white hair and a gentile smile spoke up loudly.  

"Hello everyone! Please excuse my brother Eonen he's a little gruff but he's actually a sweetheart. Alright now my darling puffs! My name is Elan Ralands and there are a few things to go over, most of which we will discuses inside our dorms. However, one thing I will say is pay attension to our code. For the next few days I would suggest one or two of our new arrivals to fallow someone in a higher year to make sure they understand our password. It's...not exactly pleasant to get it wrong and get doused in vinegar. I will tell you that you have to tap the password to the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff's name. Now, lets go see our beautiful home."

Turning around Elan preformed a musical password before a hidden tunnel revealed itself. She entered the tunnel and her brother stayed off to the side, making sure everyone got in safely. upon entering the common room the tunnel suddenly opened up into a surprisingly bright room. The room itself had a warm feeling and a low sound of music filling the air. Plants grew all around the room, there was even a small tree growing on top of the fireplace. Around the room there were beautiful stain glass windows that let in light for the plants as well as painted lots of colors across the room. Along the walls were bookshelves. Small tables, loveseats, couches, and chairs filled the rest of the room bringing a homey lived in feeling to the entire area. In several spots around the room different tunnels could be seen throughout the area. Once everyone gathered inside the older students went there own ways. Most going through different tunnels that could be assumed to lead the their dorms where as others took seats withen the common room pulling out a book or tending a plant, with the exception of the twins who stayed beside Iris. Elan Stepped into the middle of the room getting the first years attension.

"Alrighty then! Lets start. Boys dormitories are through that door to your right, and girls, yours are to the left. Plants are permitted, but please keep your animals out of them. But surely, the most important rule of all: EAT! The kitchen is immediately out the common room door. It is behind the painting of fruit, just tickle the pear also it  is open at all times!! But please people be nice to the house elves. Now as Hufflepuff's we don't join house rivalries unless it's Quiddage. We don't care what house you have friends in as long as you don't hurt your fellow housemates. Next! when in doubt grab a teacher or a prefect, we try not to involve ourselves in fights but none of us will blame you for defending a friend even if their wrong, after all Loyalty is one of our most important traits. The second most important...even tied with the first is honesty! If a teacher asks what happened a Puff should always be the first to tell the truth. Now that's about it. All I have left to say is Welcome to Hufflepuff! Best of the Hogwarts four!!"

The crowd of first years cheered in excitement as Elan ended her little speech with a small smile and grabbed her brothers hand as they walked away leaving the first years to their own devices. The twins turned simultaneously and spoke to Iris and Annabeth.

"So Rissy! Anna! What we gonna do now?"

Iris smiled and chuckled, shaking her head fondly.

"Rissy huh? Well...why don't we look around? I don't know about you...but I would love to speak to Helga Hufflepuff's portrait. "

The twins looked at eachother, communicating silently before reasponding. Anna just skipped around the room having lost focus on the conversation and went off on her own for a moment.

"Well...we can show you her portrait...but it doesn't move like the others."

Iris looked at them confused but she nodded in agreement and they lead her over and wrangled Anna before heading up the stairs of the balcony and over to the back wall where a singular portrait hung. 

Iris looked at it in awe

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Iris looked at it in awe. feeling drawn to it she slowly walked closer reaching out for the frame. Before anyone could stop her, she touched the frame and a magical energy passed from Iris to the frame. Almost simultaneously, Helga for the first time since the founding moved.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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