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Hope apparated us to Diagonally, and RJ and I looked around both wearing different expressions of awe. Looking at eachother excitement flowed over us causing us to bounce on our feet. We waited painfully next to Hope as we made our way to Gringotts bank so we could make a withdrawal, convert the muggle money into wizard currency, as well as start a vault for me as I was finally apart of the world of magic now. They finally made it to the bank and RJ and Iris where getting more and more excited. Hope found the head Goblin and told him what we needed to do. When she mentioned starting an account for me he looked down then gave a great huff and came down from his pedestal telling us to follow him. He lead us to a back office then spoke in a gravely voice.

"Only the girl can be in here to start her vault. If she wishes to tell you later that is her choice but due to our policy of privacy I must as you to wait out here."

He then turned to me to address me directly.

" Right this way Miss. Evens."

I smiled kindly and gave him a bow. He looked surprised at my respect giving a slight smile before leading me into a separate side room. Inside the room I saw there were two chairs on either side of a desk. On the desk was a piece of paper, a gold quill, a bowl of water, and a small knife.

"Have a seat and we may begin. First I will need you to cut your finger and allow seven drops of blood to fall into the water. After that the blood quill will soak in and analyze your blood telling of any possible heirships, Lady titles, and or magical lineage. Do you understand?"

I nodded taking a seat and doing as instructed.

"Yes sir."

I watched fascinated as the quill started writing by itself. It took a lot longer then I thought it would, espeshaly because my parents are muggles...but who am I to judge on how long blood magic takes. After about twenty-five minutes the quill stopped so Mr. Head Goblin (As I still didn't know his name) grabbed the paper and examined it looking briefly surprised. He quickly masked his reaction and handed me the paper.

"Wait her miss. I will go get the things you will require."

I took the paper and what I saw shook me to my core.

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed'

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