A New Friend

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Coming out of the office RJ started asking me questions. I just laughed and threw my arm around his shoulder despite him being taller then me, and whispered in his ear.

"I will tell you but later. At our hideout. (Code get the car! LOL sorry.....)"

He nodded and smiled. Then I looked to his mother.

"Hope? Are we ready to go?"

She gave me a motherly smile.

"Yes of course dear. Why don't you and Remus go and get your wands. And I'll go get your books! Then you can meet me at Madam Malkin's for your robes."

My eyes lit up with excitement and I nodded vigorously, while Remus grabbed my hand and started dragging me away yelling behind him.

"Thanks momma!"

Once we where back outside we gave eachother matching grins and raced off to Ollivanders. When we were almost there I gave a little extra boost of speed to get ahead of him. It was working great, and victory was in my sight when someone seemed to appear out of no where. We collided with eachother and the force because of my running made both of us go rolling in a tumble of limbs. Coming to a stop we broke apart with a groan, just lying there in the road. Suddenly he started to laugh which caused my to start laughing. Soon we were in a fit of giggles as we tried to get up. Once I was finally able to stand I got a good look at the boy infront of me. He looked to be my age and had a head full of untamed dark brown hair. His big round glasses were askew on his face but luckily weren't broken but he had several scrapes and a bit of dirt on his face and arms because of our tumble and I'm sure I didn't look much better. After we finished laughing he offered out his hand.

"James Potter! Nice to meet you! Sorry for getting infront of you like that. You looked like you where racing something and I just made you loose."

I just laughed again and took his hand, shaking it.

"Iris Evens. Pleasure to meet you James! And no worries. I was just racing my best friend to Ollivanders."

James's eyes lit up.

"Well then my lady! Allow me to make it up to you by escorting you there, as that is my destination as well."

I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Well then lets go! and I'll introduce you to RJ!"

I grabbed his hand and started dragging him along to get him going before he kept pace with me and I let go. A moment later we had entered the wand shop only to see Remus trying to find a wand.

"Hey Remus!! Look what I found! I made a new friend."

I told him gesturing over to a stunned James. Hmm...he must not have expected me to be so bold... James quickly snapped out of it and stepped forward with a grin.

"Alas the lovely lady is correct! Allow me to introduce myself! I am the Magnificent James Potter"

As he introduced himself I snorted and muttered under my breath.

"More like James Potter the clumsy."

He glared at me playfully before clearing his throut.

"As I was saying...My name is James Potter and if your anything like this one I can tell we'll be great friends!"

Remus smiled cheekily and stepped forward as well.

"My name is Remus Lupin. And if you can handle her craziness I welcome you as a new friend."

I looked between them with my jaw dropped and a hand over my heart in mock offense.

"Well my name is Iris Evens and I take offence to both your craziness."

I then laughed and threw my arms around both of them and brought them into a group hug. And so the start of a new friendship was born!

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