Important A/N

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Hi everyone!!!!!! So sorry it's been so long since I've published anything! I was really struggling with how to continue because something was off. Well I finally figured out what was off and that being said I will be updating but first I have to go back and change some things. I just wanted to let you all know before I start doing it so you can go back and read if you want. I have decided not to just create an entirely different book that has basically the same things just changed I'm just going to go through and change some things. Because a lot of the things that I want to do in the future I haven't really made sense with how I'm going to connect them all together. Also her being a Gryffindor I don't really relate so it was really hard to write her as that cuz I was writing her more as a Hufflepuff than anything. That being said what I'm changing is that she is a hufflepuff. And that's going to be able to set up so many different things for the future that I've been struggling with. The reason I haven't posted anything. That being said I'm not changing the tone of her personality or any of that I will be changing a couple of tags for instance this is no longer a lily bashing book they're not going to get along for quite a while but it'll work out in the end because in the beginning this was going to be a James x oc but I have since change my mind meaning that it's no longer necessary for her and Lily to not get along. So they will eventually grow together. Anyways the entire reason of this was just to let you know hopefully I will update soon. I will try my life is a little crazy right now but I will try to update as much as I can. And I think I finally got past my writer's block so I got to go back change some things then hopefully I can update! Thank you so much for your patience I hope you guys enjoy!!!

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